The winner is Adam Zdráhal.
The order of alternates was determined by lot on 6.3. 2025 due to the equality of votes in the election.
The order of alternates is as follows:
Jakub Parobek
Athanasios Kotoulas
Tadeáš Továrek
Adam Zdráhal, 5. year
Athanasios Kotoulas, 5. year
Jakub Parobek, 3. year
Tadeáš Továrek, 2. year
The Academic Senate of the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen (AS LFP UK) announces elections for the student section of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University. Following the resolution passed via per rollam voting on January 31, 2025, the election dates and format are set, in accordance with Article 2 of the Electoral Code of AS LFP UK, to take place electronically from March 3 to March 5, 2025, using the computer network. The election application will open at 8:00 AM on the first day of elections and close at 12:00 PM on the last day.
In accordance with Article 3, paragraph 1 of the Electoral Code of AS LFP UK, the election committee for this election is appointed as follows:
- Chairperson: Mgr. Alena Holá
- Members: doc. MUDr. Aleš Kroužecký, Ph.D., and Ing. Lenka Křikavová.
The reason for holding the elections is the adoption of a new Electoral Code of AS LFP UK, which increases the total number of student representatives in the academic senate by one. These elections will also establish substitute representatives.
In accordance with Article 1 of the Electoral Code of AS LFP UK, all students of undergraduate programs at the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, both in Czech and English, as well as all postgraduate students in full-time and combined study programs, have the right to vote and be elected.
Those nominated who submit a written candidacy proposal will be included on the candidate list. The proposal must include: the nominee’s name, year of study, study program, the signature(s) of the proposer(s), and the nominee’s consent to the candidacy.
Nominations must be submitted to the chairperson of the election committee no later than 10 days before the first day of elections. Submissions can be delivered in person to the Academic Senate Secretariat (Institute of Sports Medicine and Active Health, 4th Floor, Unimec 1, Ms. Klára Branda) or sent as a scanned document to the email address:
The full text of the current Electoral Code of AS LFP UK is available here.
For any questions, please contact the Academic Senate Secretariat:
- Tel: +420 377 593 200
- Email:
On behalf of the Election Committee:
- Mgr. Alena Holá (Chairperson of the Committee)
- doc. MUDr. Aleš Kroužecký, Ph.D. (Committee Member and Chair of AS)
- Ing. Lenka Křikavová (Committee Member)