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Center of Scientific Information CU & Medical Library University Hospital Pilsen


Library announces it has extended the type of loans by the fourth option with an orange label. This is a short-term seven-day loan. So you have a choice of study material either with a red label (24 hours), orange one (7 days), green one (30 days) and with no label (150 days).

Searching in a library catalogue

Opening hours
Mon – Thu
: 8:00am – 6:00pm
Fri: 8:00am – 4:00pm

Study rooms S1.59 & S1.60
Mon – Sun: 6:00am – midnight

Lending department:
(+420) 377 593 150
Reference desk:
(+420) 377 593 148
Follow us: FB, IG, X, YT

The library is situated at 1. PP of the faculty campus.

The lending department operates as the open shelves system – you choose the document by yourself and borrow it via selfcheck or in cooperation with us.

News and trials

Neurosurgical Atlas – trial till 31. 10.

Charles University has obtained the access to the Neurosurgical Atlas till end of October 2024.

Monkey pox (Mpox) – information for free

WHO has recently declared the monkeypox (Mpox) epidemic in Africa as a possible global threat, UpToDate has released the relevant topics so that they are now freely available to all, regardless of a subscription to the resources.

JSTOR AI Research Tool beta program – trial till end 2024

This beta program is a pilot of an interactive tool using artificial intelligence to help users browse the contents of the JSTOR database. The goal of the JSTOR AI Research Tool is to assist in finding key ideas, evaluating the relevance of texts, and discovering related topics.