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Center of Scientific Information CU & Medical Library University Hospital Pilsen


Library announces it has extended the type of loans by the fourth option with an orange label. This is a short-term seven-day loan. So you have a choice of study material either with a red label (24 hours), orange one (7 days), green one (30 days) and with no label (150 days).

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Lending department

+420 377 593 150

Reference desk

+420 377 593 148

News and trials

Enhancing Research Integrity with SciFlow – webinar 17. 9.

The webinar, which will take place on September 17 (Tue) from 2:00 pm, will focus on the key topic of research integrity. Learn how the SciFlow Authoring Platform can support integrity during the process of preparing and publishing a scholarly article. Practical approaches and best practices will be demonstrated to support the reliability, transparency and ethical correctness of your research. If the date and time do not suit you, register anyway, a link to the recording will be sent to all registrants after the webinar.

How to Bring AI to the Classroom: Faculty Guide for Ethical and Effective Use – webinar 19. 9.

The webinar will take place on September 19 (Thu) from 3:00 pm and will explore the latest advances in AI technology and their applications in the classroom. Read the details and do not forget to register (on the page in the link at the very bottom). If the date and time do not suit you, register anyway, a link to the recording will be sent to all registrants after the webinar.

Web of Science Research Assistant tool – trial till 30. 9.

Charles University has trial access to the Web of Science Research Assistant tool – it is a tool using generative AI that assists users in searching the Web of Science Core Collection, provides reports and visualizations of search results and offers the possibility to explore connections between topics, literature and authors. (Outside the trial, the Assistant is an add-on functionality that requires an institutional subscription.)

Unlock the Power of Knowledge with – webinar 2. 10.

The webinar will take place on October 2 (Wed) from 10:00 am and will focus on, a powerful tool with the potential to transform the learning and research experience. contains over 1.2 billion citations and 185 million full-text articles, which can bring key benefits to research and student experience. Read the details and do not forget to register (on the page in the link at the very bottom). If the date and time do not suit you, register anyway, a link to the recording will be sent to all registrants after the webinar.

JSTOR AI Research Tool beta program – trial till end 2024

This beta program is a pilot of an interactive tool using artificial intelligence to help users browse the contents of the JSTOR database. The goal of the JSTOR AI Research Tool is to assist in finding key ideas, evaluating the relevance of texts, and discovering related topics.