
In the faculty buildings you can connect to the Eduroam wifi network. You can set up access via
UK Central Authentication System (CAS) website.

Once logged in, you will find the Set Password for Eduroam tab in the left column. CAS login details
will be given to you at the same time as you collect your student ID card from the Student Services Office. Initial password
is valid for 5 days, before it expires it must be changed on the website

You can access the Eduroam network nationwide at all institutions that
connected to it.

More information >

CAS – Central Authentication Service

Universal access with a single user account
Charles University has switched to a unified information system, the benefit of which is, among other things, the unification of login data of employees and students so that they have universal access to all information systems of Charles University with a single user account. These accounts are now managed by the UK Central Authentication Service (CAS) and are automatically set up for employees and students of the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen.

SIS – Student Information System

Access to the student information system, login to PC and other services
The student will use the following login details (i.e. computer user account name and password) to access the Study Information System (SiS). Currently, the following parts of this application are used – course overview, pre-registration of courses, preview of exam results, reading SiS messages with the possibility of forwarding them to your own private e-mail and online registration for exams (STUDENTS domain).

In addition, these user accounts are used for logging on to PCs in the study room, classrooms, computer labs (STUDENTS domain).

Students can also use this computer account to log in to various e-courses and/or to access related information on our faculty’s website. A self-service copying and printing service is available in the library using this account.

Students are required to maintain a working email address in the UK Student Information System (SiS) to check for incoming information (information about news, announced exam dates and some of their obligations). Students who do not have their own email account can apply for a faculty email account.

Password loss

Those who have forgotten, lost or failed to obtain a password and need urgent access to certain services can also set up an “unverified password” on the CAS website. The password is set via the link “Get a new password because I don’t have a password…” and then filling in a few personal details.
However, the password set in this way has a limited scope of validity (e.g. you cannot set a password for the eduroam network or log in to the computers at the LF) and expires after half a year. We recommend that you use unverified passwords only when necessary and that you request a verified password again as soon as possible.