Page content
Journal | Login information | Fulltext from |
Biochemical Journal | 1906 (6 months embargo) | |
Biophysical Journal | 1960 (1 year embargo) | |
Blood | 1946 | |
Bolest | 1998 | |
Bone | 1995 | |
Bone & Joint Journal, the | 1948 | |
Bratislavské Lekárske Listy – Bratislava Medical Journal | 1997-2011 | |
Bratislavské Lekárske Listy – Bratislava Medical Journal | 2012 | |
British Journal of Anaesthesia | stredisko svilffn | 1995 |
British Journal of Surgery | svilffn svilffn | 1994 |
British Medical Journal (BMJ) | 2000 | |
British Medical Journal (BMJ) | 1967 | |
Bulletin of the World Health Organization | 1999 |
C + Č
Journal | Login information | Fulltext from |
Dermatologie pro praxi | knihovnaLFU LFUK858 | 2007 incomplete |
Diabetes Care | 1998 incomplete | |
Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism | 1999 | |
Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics | 1999 | |
Diabetologie, Endokrinologie, Metabolismus, Výživa | 1998 | |
Drugs (EBSCOhost: Academic Search Complete) | 1998 (6m embargo) | |
Drugs & Aging (EBSCOhost: Academic Search Complete) | 1998 (6m embargo) |
Journal | Login information | Fulltext from |
Endoscopy | 2000 | |
Endoskopie | knihovnaLFU LFUK858 | 2007 and 2012 incomplete |
Environmental Health Perspectives | 1972 | |
Epidemiologie, mikrobiologie, imunologie | Pro155Lekare | 2008 |
European Heart Journal | 1996 | |
European Spine Journal | 1998 |
Journal | Login information | Fulltext from |
Farmakoterapeutická revue | Nsje75slk0fSm | 2016 |
FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology | 1997 | |
FEMS Microbiology Reviews | 1997 |
Journal | Login information | Fulltext from |
Gastroenterologie a hepatologie | Pro155Lekare | 2010 |
Gastroenterologie a hepatologie | Pro155Lekare | 1947 (2m embargo) |
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy | 1995 | |
Genetics | 1916 | |
Gut | 1960 |
Journal | Login information | Fulltext from |
Hepatology | 1996 | |
Hypertension (Journals@Ovid Full Text) | 1979 | |
Hypertenze | 1998 |
Journal | Login information | Fulltext from |
Chemické listy | 1997 |
Journal | Login information | Fulltext from |
Infection & Immunity | 1970 | |
Intensive Care Monitor | lfplzen cust8147* | |
International Journal of Gynecological Cancer | 1997-2008 | |
International Journal of Obesity | 1997 | |
International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry | 1997 | |
International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics | 1993 | |
Interní medicína pro praxi | knihovnaLFU LFUK858 | 2001 |
Intervenční a akutní kardiologie | knihovnaLFU LFUK858 | 2002 incomplete |
the Israel Medical Association Journal | 1999 incomplete |
Journal | Login information | Fulltext from |
Kapitoly z kardiologie pro lékaře v praxi | 87KAPITOLY95 23kardiologie | 1999 |
Kawasaki Medical Journal | 1997 | |
Kardiológia – Cardiology | 1996,99-02 | |
Kidney & Blood Pressure Research | 1998 | |
Klinická farmakologie a farmacie | knihovnaLFU LFUK858 | 2003 |
Klinická onkologie | 1999 |
Journal | Login information | Fulltext from |
Lab Times | 2007 | |
the Laryngoscope (Journals@Ovid Full Text) | 1896 | |
the Lancet | 1993 | |
Learning & Memory | SVI 123svi | 1994 |
Lékařské listy (příloha Zdravotnických novin) | SVILFPL ezdn1 FNPLZEN ezdn2 | 1999 |
Journal | Login information | Fulltext from |
Medicína pro praxi | knihovnaLFU LFUK858 | 2004 |
Microbiology & Molecular Biology Reviews | 1937 (1 yr embargo) | |
Molecular Biology of the Cell | 1989 |
Journal | Login information | Fulltext from |
Nature | Nature (remote access link) | 1997 |
Nature (Journals@Ovid Full Text) | 1995-2018 (incomplete) | |
Neoplasma | neoplasma neoplasma | 2003 |
Neurologie pro praxi | knihovnaLFU LFUK858 | 2000 incomplete |
Neurology (Journals@Ovid Full Text) | 1995 | |
Neurosurgery | 1996 | |
Neurosurgery (Journals@Ovid Full Text) | 77-91,2000 incomplete | |
Neurosurgical Focus | 1996 | |
New England Journal of Medicine | přímý přístup z LFP/FNP vzdálený přístup z LFP | 1990 |
Nutrition | 1996 | |
Nutrition Reviews | 1997 |
Journal | Login information | Fulltext from |
Obstetrics & Gynecology (Journals@Ovid Full Text) | 1995 | |
Occupational & Environmental Medicine | 1944 | |
Oncologist | 1996 | |
Onkologická revue | Nsje75slk0fSm | 2016 |
Onkologie | knihovnaLFU LFUK858 | 2007 |
Optics Express | 1997 | |
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology & Endodontology | 1995 | |
Ortodoncie | 2001 | |
Osteologický bulletin | 2003 | |
Otorinolaryngologie a foniatrie | Pro155Lekare | 2007 |
Journal | Login information | Fulltext from |
Pediatrics | 314265 343253 | 1997 |
Pediatrie pro praxi | knihovnaLFU LFUK858 | 2001 |
Peritoneal Dialysis International | 1989 | |
Physiological Research | 1998 | |
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (Journals@Ovid Full Text) | 1996 | |
Plzeňský lékařský sborník | 2013-19 | |
Plzeňský lékařský sborník – supplementum | 2015-19 | |
Pohybové ústrojí: pokroky ve výzkumu, diagnostice a terapii | 1997 | |
Pracovní lékařství | Pro155Lekare | 2005 |
Practical Diabetes International | 1996 | |
Practicus | 2002 | |
Prague Medical Report | 2012 | |
Praktická gynekologie | Pro155Lekare | 2005-16 |
Praktický lékař | Pro155Lekare | 2008 |
Proteomics | 2001 | |
Proteomics – Clinical Applications | 2007-10 | |
Psychiatrie | 1997 incomplete | |
Psychiatrie pro praxi | knihovnaLFU LFUK858 | 2001 |
Psychologie dnes | PD P4s2D6 | 2005 |
publikace Ústavu zdravotnických informací a statistiky České republiky |
Journal | Login information | Fulltext from |
der Radiologe | 1997 | |
Radiology | RADIOL rsnajournals | last 4 yr |
la Recherche | LARECHERCHELA 8vyzkum3 | 1996 |
Remedia | MojeRemedia1 | 2009 |
Rozhledy v chirurgii | Pro155Lekare | 2005 |
Journal | Login information | Fulltext from |
Sbírka zákonů (od 1. prosince 2010) | 2010 | |
Sbírka zákonů (30. červen 2008 – 30. listopad 2010) | 2008-10 | |
Science (Native Interface of eJournal, CAS identification needed) | 1997 | |
Scientific American (EBSCOhost: Academic Search Complete) | 1995 | |
Scripta Medica | 1997-2010 | |
Sestra | postgr medicina | 1999-2014 |
Shock | 1994-2013 | |
Stem Cells | 1996 | |
Stroke (Journals@Ovid Full Text) | 1970 |
Journal | Login information | Fulltext from |
Tabák a zdraví | 2004-8 | |
Tempus Medicorum: časopis České lékařské komory | 2006 | |
Texas Heart Institute Journal | 1974 | |
Transfuze a hematologie dnes | Pro155Lekare | 2000 |
Journal | Login information | Fulltext from |
Urologické listy | 2005 2016 incomplete | |
Urologie pro praxi | knihovnaLFU LFUK858 | 2001 current pdf with delay |
Journal | Login information | Fulltext from |
Vesmír | lekarskafaku 8875407012 | 1871 |
Vesmír – Kramerius | 1872 | |
Veterinární lékař | 2003 | |
Vnitřní lékařství | Pro155Lekare | 2005 |
Journal | Login information | Fulltext from |
Yonsei Medical Journal | 1960 |
Journal | Login information | Fulltext from |
Zdravotnické noviny | SVILFPL ezdn1 FNPLZEN ezdn2 | 1960 |
Zdravotnictví a medicína | postgr medicina | 2004 |
Zdravotnictví a právo | lf.plzen-1 zp | 2004 |
Zpravodaj Československé biologické společnosti | 1997 | |
Zpravodaj Drogového informačního centra | 2004-8 | |
Zprávy epidemiologie a mikrobiologie | 2008 |