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We’re here for you when you face challenging situations. The Faculty and Charles University offers support services to help students cope with challenging studying, crisis moments or conflict with another member of the academic community.

Counselling for students

Support can be used by any student of the Medical Faculty in Pilsen who would like to address a certain therapeutic topic or has certain difficulties.

Take advantage when you solve:

  • difficulties with studying
  • traumatic experience
  • fear of the future
  • difficulties with self-esteem

How the counselling works

The service is discreet, anonymous and free of charge. The service does not provide pharmacotherapy or comprehensive psychological diagnosis. If a student comes in with a request that requires a service that is not provided by the counselling centres or is beyond the professional capacity of the counsellor, the counsellor will refer the client to other centres/professionals to whom they can refer. This is short-term support that is limited to 1-5 sessions per year. It is not long-term psychotherapy.

Your advisors

Doc. MUDr. Jitka Švíglerová, Ph.D.

Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University, General Medicine. She has completed five years of training in group psychotherapy, catatymnistic imaginative psychotherapy, clinical hypnosis, autogenic training, coaching and integrative psychotherapy, which she uses most in her work with clients. Integrative psychotherapy could be described as therapy “tailored” to the client’s personality type, life story and current needs. In addition to working with clients, she also works as a lecturer in self-experience training at the Skala Institute and is a member of the Czech Association for Psychotherapy (CAP).

Mgr. Iveta Vacková
Graduated in double-discipline psychology, course of Rogers therapy, course of crisis intervention, course of hypnosis, course of psychosomatics.


Faculty ombudsman

The Ombudsman at the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen is here to protect your rights and help create a safe, fair and respectful environment. He deals with various problematic situations that may arise in an academic environment.

What can I help you with

  • sexual harassment,
  • discrimination on the grounds of race, ethnicity, gender or disability,
  • abuse of power,
  • non-transparent or biased testing,
  • bullying (mobbing, bossing, staffing),
  • inaction by persons or bodies of the faculty,
  • conflict of interest, or violation of legal regulations, including internal regulations of Charles University or our Faculty.

How does the Ombudsman work?

The Ombudsman is independent and impartial, which means that he/she is not subject to any faculty authority and may not take any instructions on how to proceed. Its work consists of providing consultation, handling complaints, mediation, and assisting in conflict resolution. He always acts with discretion and respect for all persons involved.

Who can use the services of the ombudsman?

I am here for all students, faculty and other staff of our college. It doesn’t matter if you are a new student, an experienced professor, or an administrative employee. The Ombudsperson will provide you with help and support regardless of your status.

How to contact me

In person: Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, 76 Svobody Avenue, Faculty of Medicine, Building 2, 2nd floor or via e-mail and phone below. You can also use the Don’t Let It Be notification system.

University ombdusman

If you encounter cases of inappropriate treatment towards you, you can contact the University Ombudsman at

Students with special needs

A student with special needs is a student with:

  • specific learning disabilities
  • attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD/ADD)
  • autism spectrum disorder
  • mental illness
  • chronic diseases
  • visual impairment
  • hearing impairment
  • mobility impairment


The student informs the contact person Mgr. Petra Buňatová of interest in being included in the SSP register. He/she will provide himself/herself with a currently valid health certificate. Undergoes a functional diagnosis with a specialist. Agree further action with the contact person as necessary.

Contact person: Mgr. Petra Buňatová
Telephone: (+420) 377 593 117

Formalities for incorporation

Formal requirements for inclusion as a student with special educational needs

  1. Informed consent
  2. Confirmation of the student’s disability, a document within the meaning of Act No. 435/2004 Coll., on employment, or a document of disability of any degree within the meaning of Act No. 155/1995 Coll., on pension insurance, or a certificate of exceptional benefits of any degree within the meaning of Act No. 100/1988 Coll, on social security, or proof of a specific learning disability established on the basis of generally agreed results in generally agreed psychometric tests, or a medical report on the results of a specialist medical examination in the case of persons with a mental disorder or a chronic somatic illness, if the documents referred to in point (a)(c) above cannot be produced.
  3. A functional diagnosis of the student, produced and certified by a special unit of the University

Support for students of Charles University

Charles University provides support services in the following forms:

Crisis lines CU

They deal with acute emergencies and crisis situations involving a threat to health or life. The hotlines are for those who are experiencing severe depression, anxiety, panic attacks or who feel their own or others’ lives are at risk.

Student chat support

Who for: all UK students who need support, signposting to appropriate help or just someone to talk to because they are lonely

Who it’s not for: it’s not a crisis chat i.e. we don’t deal with urgent and serious situations such as self-harm, suicidal tendencies etc. At such times we refer to professional crisis services – a list of these is also on the service’s website

Who serves: students of the helping professions (psychology, social work, etc.) who are trained and work under the guidance of the program’s guarantor and coordinator and other professionals

How it works: One or more student consultants* are present at every weekday from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Learners can simply click on the chat window and begin communicating anonymously with a trained student. The service is governed by the following rules

What it aims to do: offer support to students who need to navigate the university system, feel lonely or are struggling with psychological or personal issues that make it difficult for them to study, it is also for learners who just need someone to talk to in a safe and non-judgmental environment

Center for Teaching and Learning

We support your academic success. The main mission of the Center for Teaching and Learning is to support you in your efforts to manage your studies at the Faculty of Medicine. We will help newly arrived students in a faster and more efficient transition to university.

Lectures and seminars

We will regularly prepare lectures and seminars for you that will help you better adapt to the demanding study conditions, especially the lectures Memory as a Tool and How to Manage Stress and Survive the Exam Period (not only at school) so that you can study effectively, manage your study obligations and not lose your mental well-being.

Current dates of seminars and lectures

Are you facing the exam period and still wondering how to study effectively? Many of the tips and guides you may have come across are based on current scientific knowledge about how memory works.

Memory is an admirable, layered phenomenon that we often complain about, even though its physiological basis may be perfectly fine. The problem is often not to store information, but to be able to recall it effectively. Why don’t we remember at the right moment, but only with hindsight? How to counter it? The lecture is an introduction to information hygiene of memory processes and control of related motivational influences.

How to Manage Stress and Survive Exams (Not Only at School) | prof. MUDr. Jan Vevera, Ph.D.

Do you feel under constant pressure in connection with the demanding study of medicine? Do you feel stressed all the time?

Stress and anxiety are a natural reaction that has helped us survive since time immemorial. They can paralyze us or, on the contrary, give us the energy we need. But how to achieve this? The lecture is an introduction to mental hygiene and working with stress.

Guides & Tips

We are also preparing a series of video guides on current topics that interest you. Here you will also find tips and tricks for effective learning, the use of modern technology and much more.

Other services

We will also advise you individually or direct you to where other experts can help you. We can help you find your senior classmate who will support you in your studies. Of course, all services are also intended for foreign students, whom we will help with integration thanks to joint activities with Czech students.

Contact us

Didn’t you find exactly what you are interested in in our offer? Are you interested in learning more about a specific issue related to your studies outside of professional subjects? Feel free to share your ideas with us. Your suggestions will contribute to the development and improvement of our services.

Please, write your opinion here.



Occupational safety and health, fire protection

Sexual harassment

Charles University attaches the utmost importance to prevention and a safe environment for everyone. It does not accept any form of sexual and gender-based harassment or violence and expects all individuals in the university community, its visitors, and contracting partners to treat each other with mutual respect, consideration, and dignity.

What is sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment can be generally defined as inappropriate or unwelcome behaviour with sexual overtones. The essence of sexual harassment (similar to other forms of harassment) is an attempt to acquire, increase, or maintain dominance over another person. Hence, we can divide sexual harassment into two categories:

1. Unwelcome sexual attention,

2. Sexual blackmail and coercion. 

First of all, you should know that such behaviour is unacceptable, and you must establish some boundaries in relation to it. Tolerating or taking the blame for such behaviour, dropping a class or ending your studies, or quitting your job does not help matters.

Where can I turn for help?

More information, contact e-mail and additional options of support for students and employees including links to other sources can be found on Charles University’s website.

This information is, from this point on, permanently displayed also in the section “Center for students – counselling”.