Congratulations on successful completion of your degree! Before saying your Farewell to the faculty, you would need to pass a few final steps.

Closure of the study at Study Department

Graduates who successfully passed the last State Exam will visit English Study Department office in person in the scope of three days after exam date.

Each graduate will bring:
1. Graduate’s Clearance Sheet (the exit medical examination can be refused)
2. ID or passport

Graduates will receive documents proving the successful completion of their study – Graduate’s Confirmation, Transcript of Records.

Overpayment for meals

We remind our students that the overpayment for meals in a canteen or cafeteria has to be resolved before the study closure. After the study closure the refung of money on the ISIC card is no longer possible.

Graduation Ceremony

During your visit at the Study Department you can register for the Graduation Ceremony, if so, you will receive an invitation with a day and time of the Ceremony. Graduates arrive to Karolinum Aula fourty-five minutes before the Ceremony, guests arrive 15 minutes before, photos can be taken only from the spot. Number of the guests is not limited.

Graduation Ceremony dates:

In the Academic year 2024/2025 the Graduation dates are set on 25th July 2025 for General Medicine study programm and on 17th September 2025 for Dentistry study program.

Those students of General Medicine who do not have time to take the last State Exam by June 16, 2025 at the latest, or the capacity of the July ceremony date is already full, will have the opportunity to participate in the graduation on 17th September 2025. However, even for these students, it is necessary to visit the Study Department for the closure of study in the scope of three days after completing the last State Exam.

If the student does not want to participate at the Graduation Ceremony, there will be a possibility to collect the diploma individually.

Criminal record

It confirms that you have not committed any crimes in the Czech Republic.
Find out at first if this document is needed in a particular country where you want to work!

The Criminal Record  is normally valid for 6 months in some special case – e.g. Recognition of Qualification purposes it is valid for 3 months only.

The conditions for issuing the Criminal Record are different for EU and non-EU countries citizens!

EU countries citizens
100,- CZK fee for issuing
passport (ID card)
You are not able to get the Record immediatelly. It will last up to 20 days to get it, because all the Crime Registers in the EU countries are connected. First, you will get the confirmation that you applied for the Criminal Record. Please keep it – you will need it later! On the confirmation there will be written when the Record will be prepared for you. On this date you will  go to any post office (Czech Point) in the Czech Republic, show to the official the above mentioned  confirmation and your passport or ID card and the Criminal Record will be given to you.

Non-EU countries citizens
100,- CZK fee for issuing
You will get the Extract immediately or in approx. 1 hour.

You can apply at any post office and places marked with the label   „Czech Point“ and as well  at Municipality -“Matrika” office or directly at “Vrchní soud” (Court of Justice), Generální prokuratura, oddělení výpisu z rejstříku trestů (division of the crime registers), Soudní street 1, Prague 4  – Mo+We 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Tue, Thu, Fri 7:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Please, have the exact amount of 100,-CZK on you!!!

When received the diploma

Step 1

Note that some countries require the verification on the original, some “only” on the verified copy, some countries may not even need it (EU) – you need to find out the requirements in a particular country where you want to practice medicine/dentistry.

If the original is not required, not to spoil your original Diploma, have the Latin Diploma copied and the copy officially notarised/verified!!!

Onto the notarised/verified copy get the stamps from particular Ministries – see further:

Make notary verified copies of your diploma. You can go to any notary office (notář)

In Prague centre there are plenty of notary offices on Národní třída, Na Příkopě, U Prašné brány, Dlouhá street, etc. for the official verification of the copies – at these places, you should be also able to get the originals copied.

Some contacts for notaries
In Prague:
JUDr. Ilona Remešová, Jungmannova 31, 11000 Praha 1 – Nové Město, +420 224 494 452
JUDr. Petr Hochman, Na Příkopě 850/8, 11000 Praha 1 – Nové Město, +420 255 771 557

In Pilsen:
JUDr. Marie Kuželková, Bezručova 33 (1st building under the theatre), Plzeň, +420 377328649
Mgr. Anna Röschová, Kamenická 1 (under the Saský Bridge), Plzeň, +420 377329437

Step 2

Karmelitská  7, 118 12 Praha 1

Odbor vysokých škol – Department of Higher Education (Department no. 30)
Karmelitská 7, 118 12 Praha 1

Oddělení zahraničních studentů – Division of the foreign students:
building C, 2nd floor, door No. 202 (legalizace diplomů)
Ing. Jiří Johánek
Tel.: 234 811 532 E-mail:
Working hours: Mon, Wed  9 a.m. – 12 p.m. & 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.

“legalizační razítko (stamp)” to original diploma/Diploma Supplement, notarised/verified copy of the diploma or the translation of the diploma; for each stamp one“ kolek“ for 100,- CZK is required (bought at the post office). Applicants are obligated to bring a tax stamp value of 100 CZK per every single document.

Step 3

Konzulární odbor – Verification of documents – Consular Department
přízemí (ground floor) of Toskánský palác – Tuscany Palace
(5 minutes of walk from Czernin Palace, just opposite the main gate of Prague Castle)
Seat of the Consular Department etc.
Hradčanské náměstí  5, Praha , 110 01
Legalizační oddělení: Tel.: 224 182 153, 224 182 188 E-mail:
Working hours: Mon, Wed 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. & 1.30 p.m. – 5 p.m.

“superlegalizační razítko (stamp)”: for each stamp one“ kolek“ for 100,- CZK  for a Czech document or 600,- CZK for an international document is required (bought at the post office)
After having all the stamps, get the English translation of your Diploma (it will be attached to the original or the notarised/verified and stamped copy – dependent on the country);

NOTE: If you get the English translation before obtaining the stamps (that are in Czech only), you will have to get the stamps translated separately on top, therefore will pay twice, need more time, etc.

NOTE II: Only five documents could will be issued on the spot. With more than five documents you will be given a certain date for picking up.

Translation of the diploma

Please be informed that the translated document has to be notary verified.
In Prague: Překlady textu s.r.o. – Senovážné náměstí 23 (4th floor), 110 00 Prague 1
phone: +420 774 404 897

For more information (incl. price list) please go through following links: 
About us – Překlady textu (
Our Services – Překlady textu (
Translation of diplomas – Překlady textu (

In PilsenFOREIGNERS – COMPLEX SERVICES FOR GRADUATES – Pražská 5 (near Náměstí Republiky)

  • Diploma and supplement apostillisation and translation (Latin → English / German / Portuguese / other)
  • Certificate of non-membership in Czech Medical/Dental Chamber
  • Certificate of performing medical care abroad (following the 2005/36/EC directive) incl. apostillisation and translation
  • Diploma picking up (based on power of attorney)

Contact directly Ms Nicole: , phone: (00420) 377 477 137

Certificate of non-membership of the Czech Medical Chamber (Czech Dental Chamber)

The Certificate of non-membership is an equivalent to the Certificate of good standing provided to the graduates of the faculty of medicine when seeking a job abroad.

This request is completed by the applicant / medical graduate who studied in the Czech Republic, but has never been a member of the CMC and thus has never practiced in the treatment and preventive care in the Czech Republic. Certificate of non-membership, which is on the basis of this request is issued, serves as the equivalent of a certificate of professional clean record of a doctor – a member of the CMC (Certificate of good standing).

To obtain the certificate of non-membership, it is needed to provide a copy of diploma and pay the administrative fee of  1000,- CZK (GM), resp. 600,- CZK (DY).

Form of request for such a certificate are attached to this article


ČLK – Česká lékařská komora
Lékařská 2/291
150 00 Praha 5         
Zahraniční oddělení, contact person: Ivana Vašková
email: , tel.: +420 234 760 702   


Iveta Haiserová
Executive Assistant of President of the Czech Dental Chamber
Slavojova 22, 128 00  Prague 2, Czech Republic
tel.: +420 234 709 610
mob.: +420 606 784 332

Further study

Earn a PhD in Doctoral Study

Do you have any question?

Contact the Study department.