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The doctoral study focuses on scientific research and independent creative activities in the area of research and development. It provides the highest level of formal education that can be achieved in the Czech Republic. The Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen offers doctoral study programmes in full-time and combined form, in Czech and English languages, to the graduates of Master’s study in medicine as well as related fields, e.g. natural sciences. The doctoral study is individual and based on intensive cooperation with a supervisor, eventually an advisor. It is completed by a state doctoral examination and a dissertation thesis defense.

Contacts for doctoral (Ph.D.) studies

Mgr. Barbora Stachová
Officer for Ph.D. studies
+420 377 593 467

Ing. Daniela Vyzrálová
Officer for Ph.D. studies
+420 377 593 467
+420 773 768 811

prof. PharmDr. Radek Kučera, Ph.D.
Vice-Dean for Doctoral Studies, Habilitation and Appointment Proceedings

Study programmes

All accredited doctoral study programmes including programmes in English can be found in the Student Information System.

Admission Process

Admission procedure for the academic year 2025/2026

Beginning of study: 1 October 2025

Submission of applications: 1 January – 30 April 2025

Doctoral study programmes open for admission in 2025/2026

Admission requirements
  • Submission of the electronic application form
  • Sending the signed application form, together with other supporting documents at the address of Dean’s office, Department of Science and Research (address below)
  • Completion of university master’s degree program, no later than the date of the beginning of study
  • Recognition of education and qualification gained by studies at foreign universities
  • Successful passing of an entrance interview

Admission procedure

It’s possible to apply for more study programs. However, a new application form and admission fee must be paid for each of them.

All application documents are to be sent to:
Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Dean’s office
Department of Science and Research
alej Svobody 76
Pilsen, 323 00, Czech Republic

The fee for the electronic application is 810 CZK. You can pay by credit card after submitting your electronic application form.
Or send it via bank transfer here:

Komerční banka, branch „Plzen – mesto“, account No. 61633311/0100
Variable symbol: 60213
Specific symbol – the number of the electronic application
IBAN                   CZ 15 0100 0000 0000 6163 3311
SWIFT                 KOMBCZPPXXX

Documents to be printed out and submitted with the application form:

1. A brief CV
2. A completed university master’s degree program, not later than the date of the beginning of the study
3. Recognition of education and qualification gained by studies at foreign universities 
4. A brief abstract of a dissertation topic (max 1 A4 together with the name of the supervisor)
5. A list of published scientific articles
– For applicants from abroad who wish to study in Czech need to submit a proof of their Czech language proficiency at the level of B2 at minimum (not relevant for applicants from Slovakia)

Recognition of Master’s degree from universities outside the Czech Republic:

The following documents may be used to prove compliance with the requirement of successful completion of study in a master’s programme of study at a foreign higher education institution:

A) a document proving general recognition of foreign higher education in the Czech Republic (so- called general “nostrification”)

The applicant must submit:
 An authenticated copy of a document obtained in accordance with sections 89 and 90 of the Higher Education Act or in accordance with prior legal regulations proving general recognition of a foreign higher education in the Czech Republic.
 It is issued by the public higher education institutions, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the Ministry of the Interior, or the Ministry of Defence.
 For more information on the procedure for recognising foreign higher education at Charles University see:
 The fee of CZK 3.000 is paid to Rector’s Office that deals with nostrifications (nostrification is valid within the whole Czech Republic).

B) a document concerning a foreign higher education which is automatically equivalent in the Czech Republic without any further administrative procedures
 A foreign document concerning a foreign higher education which is automatically equivalent in the Czech Republic in accordance with its international agreements without any further administration procedures – these include documents certifying completion of a programme of study in Slovakia (with the exception of diplomas issued by foreign branches of Slovak higher education institutions after 28 March 2015 to which the procedure under letter (c) is applicable), in Poland, Hungary, or Slovenia (only master’s diplomas, the procedure under letter (c) is applicable to bachelor’s diplomas from Slovenia).

The applicant must submit:
 An authenticated copy of diploma, certificate, or similar document (for example a certificate of completion of study) issued by a foreign higher education institution;
 An original or authenticated copy of the diploma supplement or a transcript of examinations passed;
 In the case of a certificate of higher education issued by a Slovak higher education institution after 28 March 2015, also a statement issued by a foreign higher education institution in the state in which the programme of study completed by the applicant was offered.
 Free of charge.

C) foreign document concerning a foreign higher education
 The applicant must submit:
 Completed form;
 An authenticated copy of the diploma, certificate, or similar document (for example a certificate of completion of study) issued by a foreign higher education institution;
 An original or an authenticated copy of the Diploma Supplement of the transcript of examinations passed.
 If needed the faculty will request the applicant to submit also the following documents:
 Additional information on the content and scope of foreign higher education;
 A statement issued by the relevant foreign body confirming that the given higher education institution is authorised to offer higher education in the given foreign state (a statement on accreditation).
 In the case of a certificate of higher education issued by a Slovak higher education institution after 28 March 2015, also a statement issued by a foreign higher education institution in the state in which the programme of study completed by the applicant was offered.

 Applies to documents to which the procedure under letter (B) cannot be applied.
 In the case of a positive assessment the document is accepted; in the case of a negative assessment the applicant is required to submit a document under letter (A) (a general “nostrification”).
 The assessment is valid only for the admission procedure at one faculty.
 A fee of CZK 960 (930 CZK for the admission process in 2024/2025) paid after succesful passing of the entrance examination.

The deadline for submission of the required documents for recognition is 30 September 2024 (31 March 2025 applies for the admission process in 2024/2025). For applicants whose application for recognition of their foreign education has not been decided by 30 September 2024, the deadline is 22 October 2024. 

Enrolment in the 1st year

The enrolment in the first year of the doctoral study programmes starting on 1 April 2025 will take place at the department of science and research of the faculty (2nd floor, room no. 2.88). The dates will be arranged individually.

The PhD students will bring the names of two continuous (special) exams which will be a part of their individual study plan (to see with the supervisors) and, in case of full-time students, the number of bank account for the payment of the doctoral bursary.

Dissertation topics

The list of the dissertation topics anounced for the academic year 2025/2026 is available HERE.

Dates of entrance examinations

Entrance examinations to the doctoral study programmes, study starting on 1 April 2025:

All applicants who submitted their applications including the supporting documents and paid the application fee will receive an invitation to the entrance interview throught the information system.

Study programRegular dateAternative datePlace of examination
Anatomy, Histology and Embryology23.1.2025 2 p.m. department of histology, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, alej Svobody 76 Pilsen
Experimental Surgery29.1.2025 9 a.m. Biomedical center LFP, alej Svobody 76 Pilsen
Physiology and Pathological Physiology department of pathological physiology LFP, alej Svobody 76 Pilsen

Study information

Internal regulations CU

You will find all important regulations of Charles University here.

Scholarships and bursaries of PhD students

The Doctoral bursary is paid to the students in the full-time form of study after the allocation of the Ministry of Education for a standard period of study (4 years – the entitlements from all universities in the Czech Republic are taken into account).

The payment date is the 15th of each month.

All students are entitled to other types of scholarships, e.g.:

a)       Scholarship under article 5 for outstanding RDI (Research, Development, and Innovation), artistic or other creative achievement contributing to greater knowledge; the amount of the scholarship is determined by the internal regulation of the Faculty, maximum 100 000 CZK per academic year.

b)      Scholarship under article 6 for RDI (Research, Development, and Innovation) activities in accordance with special legislation; the amount of the scholarship is determined by the internal regulation of the Faculty, maximum 360 000 CZK per academic year.

In order to receive the scholarship and bursary students should record their account numbers in the Student Information System. In order to receive the increase of the doctoral bursary for publications students should notify the department of science and research about the publication of their papers.

The granting of scholarships and bursaries to students of Charles University, as well as the payments and other requisites are governed by the Scholarship and Bursary Rules of Charles University.

Other details including the respective amounts can be found in the following internal regulations of the Faculty (Czech version).

Study Obligations of PhD students

The content of the doctoral study is specified for each student in the individual study plan. Each student is obliged to create it together with the Supervisor within two months after the enrolment to study. The individual study plan is recorded by the student in the Students Information System.

The student’s fulfillment of the individual study plan is assessed annually and the assessment is submitted to the Subject-Area Board for approval.

The specification of the study obligations for each study programme can be found HERE.

More information

General Information

Study programmes   Acredited doctoral study programmes
Period of studyStandard period – 4 years, maximum period – 8 years
Form of studyFull-time / combined
Languages of studyCzech / English
Doctoral BursaryPaid monthly to full-time studnets
Completing of study1. State doctoral examination
2. Defense of dissertation thesis
Graduate degreePh.D.
Application deadline30th April 2024
Tuition fee1000 CZK / year

Detailed Information

  • There are 23 accredited study programs organised in the postgraduate doctoral study (Ph.D.) at the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen. 
  • Doctoral studies are provided under the direction of the Supervising Tutor (Supervisor) and a Consulting Tutor.
  • All applicants are expected to meet the basic requirements – certification of completed undergraduate degree (master degree).  We welcome graduates from all the relevant fields, not only medicine. 
  • We welcome graduates of all nationalities. In case the applicant is not a graduate of EU university or there is not an existing agreement between relevant country and the Czech Republic about mutual recognition of university diploma, it is necessary for the applicant to present a confirmation of equivalency of his/her university degree or a certificate. Read more details below in the section “Recognition of Master’s degree from universities outside the Czech Republic”.
  • Conditions and topics for doctoral study are announced according to the number of available supervisors and their number of research projects (grants). That means that not all Subject-Area Boards announce admission procedures in both or one form of study for a given academic year. Conditions for admission, dissertation thesis topics, content of entrance exams, etc., are different for individual study programme and are being adapted every year according to the requirements of the Subject-Area Board of PhD programme.
  • Preliminary questions concerning study opportunities can be answered on condition that the applicant will submit professional curriculum vitae, i.e. basic information about his/her practice, qualifications, scientific interest and activities including a publication activity summary. It is recommended to contact the head of the Subject-Area Board of PhD programme or appropriate Supervisor first.
  • Admission process – dissertation topics for PhD study for the following academic year are announced at the beginning of January, together with the deadline for submitting applications till April 30 at the latest. Specific information about conditions of admission and topics of dissertation theses in particular study program, including a list of required documents, are presented on the official board of the Faculty (in the section of “Applicants”). 
  • There is a tuition fee of 1000 CZK per year for the doctoral study in the English language. There is a scholarship for all full-time students.
  • Students are encouraged to learn basic Czech necessary for communication with patients at clinical departments and for living in the Czech Republic.

Compulsory courses

ABC of Scientific Work and Publications
date: 26 November 2024, 2 p.m. 
place: seminar room of Biomedical Center, alej Svobody 76, Plzeň
guarantor: prof. MUDr. Václav Liška, Ph.D.

Molecular Epidemiology of Infectious Agents
place: Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, alej Svobody 76, Plzeň, department of microbiology

DNA/RNA Sequencing Technology and Bioinformatics     
place: Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, alej Svobody 76, Plzeň, department of microbiology

Modern Procedures in Clinical Microbiology
place: Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, alej Svobody 76, Plzeň, department of microbiology

Pharmacogenomics of Cancer Diseases and Oncogenomics
date: 12 December 2024, 2 p.m.
place: Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, alej Svobody 76, Plzeň
guarantor: RNDr. Mgr. Radka Václavíková, Ph.D.

Health Informatics
individual sessions, students should contact the course guarantor for an appointment
place: Center of Scientific Information (Medical Library), Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, alej Svobody 76, Plzeň
guarantor: PhDr. Dana Zdeňková, email:, phone: 377 593 141

Technology Transfer Manager – Junior
date: 1 January – 31 March 2025
online in Moodle – 
guarantor: prof. MUDr. Milan Štengl, Ph.D.
technical support: Ing. Milan Dvořák (

DNA/RNA Sequencing Technology and Bioinformatics
place: Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, alej Svobody 76, Plzeň
guarantor: prof. MUDr. Jaroslav Hrabák Ph.D.

Medical Statistics
date:  summer semester 2024/2025 (May)
online in MS Teams
guarantor: doc. RNDr. Ladislav Pecen, CSc.

Selected Chapters from Molecular Pathology and Translation Medicine
date:  summer semester 2024/2025 (date will be specified)
place: Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, alej Svobody 76, Plzeň
guarantor: doc. MUDr. Marie Ludvíková, Ph.D.

Computer Technology
date of the initial seminar:  summer semester 2024/2025 (date will be specified)
place: Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, alej Svobody 76, Plzeň, UniMec, 4th floor, computer room
aplication Moodle – 
guarantor: Mgr. Martin Navrátil

Anesthesia in Animal Experiment
date: July 2024, will be specified
place: Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, alej Svobody 76, Plzeň
guarantor: prof. MUDr. Jan Beneš, Ph.D.

Introduction to Tissue Engineering
date: July 2024, will be specified
place: Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, alej Svobody 76, Plzeň
guarantor: RNDr. Vladimíra Moulisová, Ph.D.

Study and internships abroad

Explore study and internship opportunities abroad.

State exam and dissertation

Download: How to avoid plagiarism (Student handbook)

Process of dissertation defence

Having fulfilled all the study requirements, a doctoral student applies for the defense his or her dissertation.

Study requirements mean: completion of the compulsory courses, examinations, internships, state doctoral examination, fulfilment of the required publications, attendance at conferences, etc. (fulfilment of all requirements stated in the individual study plan).

Process of submission of dissertation:
1. Student uploads the dissertation and Czech and English abstracts into the student information system (SIS) in the format PDF/A-1a or PDF/A-2u.

2. After uploading the thesis in the SIS the content similarity detection protocols are generated (it might take a few days). The supervisor should comment on the result of the similarity protocols in the supervisor’s report. If the similarity is not higher than 10%, the student may print out the dissertation (3 copies) and the extended abstract (number of copies depend on the study programme – information to be requested at the Department of Science and Research).

3. Delivery of the documents to the Department of Science and Research
Student will bring the printed dissertations, extended abstracts and the Application for dissertation defence including all attachments (CV, list of publications, copies of 3 papers, report of the supervisor, report of the head of the supervising entity, similarity detection protocoles – only initial pages).

List of publications
– Doctoral student will submit a list of publications in which he or she is the main author or co-author.
– First publications in journals with IF will be listed and than publications in peer-reviewed journals
 Lectures and abstracts from conferences should not be included in the list of publications

Form and layout 

Form and layout of dissertation thesis, extended abstract, dissertation defence

The classical form of dissertation consists of the following parts:

  1. initial page (cover) – layout according to the specimen (see the attachment below),
  2. statement of originality of the dissertation thesis – author’s declaration (see the attachment below),
  3. literary introduction and overview of the given topic,
  4. setting of goals of the dissertation thesis, including the definition of hypotheses ,
  5. description of used experimental methods, including statistical methods,
  6. overview of achieved, properly documented and adequately statistically evaluated own results,
  7. discussion of methodic procedures and results, including comparison with literature,
  8. conclusions and evaluation of goals and hypotheses of the dissertation,
  9. summary (in Czech and English)
  10. numbered bibliography

Dissertation based on monothematicaly focused 4 publications must be written in the classical form (Introduction, goals of the dissertation, including hypotheses, briefly used methodology, results, overall discussion of individual publications, summary and conclusion). The commented dissertation thesis should also include schemes and pictures documenting major findings of the work. Published articles form part of the dissertation. 

The number of pages of a classical dissertation should be 60-80 without bibliography and attachments. A dissertation based on publications should count minimum 30-40 pages without bibliography and attachments.

The committee appoints two reviewers. Only associate professor, professor or a person with the title Ph.D., CSc., DrSc., Dr. can be appointed a reviewer. A supervisor, a person who took part in the dissertation process or who was the co-author of some part of student’s work cannot be a reviewer. One of the reviewers is from another faculty.

Defence of the dissertation

The dissertation defence is public. It takes place usually not later than 3 months after the delivery of the reviewers’ reports on the dissertation.

The committee decides on the assessment of the dissertation defence in closed session which follows immediately the defence itselt. The assessment grades are: “pass” and “fail”. The committee decides by the majority of the members’ votes. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the Chair prevails.

The student is publically informed by the Chair of the committee on the result of the assessment of the dissertation defence immediately after the closed session of the committee. In case of unsuccessful defence the committee determines whether the dissertation shall be revised. The defence of the dissertation can be repeated once, 6 months after the regular date of the defence at the earliest.

Extended abstract:

The purpose of the extended abstract is to provide the members of the committee of the dissertation defence with an overview of the student’s research activities and it must contain a goal of the thesis, methodology, main results, summary and list of publications of the author. The department of Science and Research of the Dean’s office distributes the texts to the members of the committee and the reviewers.

The extended abstract is written in the language of the student’s study programme. Recommended length of the extended abstract is 20-30 numbered pages. Format A5, spacing 1 – 1,5. The extended abstract must be bound. Hard or other plastic cover is not required.

The draft of the extended abstract is submitted by the student in 3 copies together with the application for the dissertation defence. The remaining 10-20 copies (the number depends on the study programme) will be delivered by the student after the announcement of the date and place of the dissertation defence which is stated in the extended abstract on the page 2. The department of Science and Research distributes the extended abstract to all members of the committee for the dissertation defence and to the reviewers.


Citations can be generated at:

Electronic individual study plan of PhD study

– creates the individual study plan in the SIS
– contacts the department of science and research in case of missing password

– checks the ISP, adds the comment and forwards to the subject-area board
– returns the ISP to the student for revision

Chair of Subject-Area Board
– checks the ISP, adds the comment and approves the ISP
– returns the ISP to the student for revision

Annual assessment of the electronic individual study plan of PhD study

– fills out the assessment of the ISP in the SIS
– forwards the assessment to the supervisor

– adds the comment on the assessment, marks the assessment by A, B or C and forwards to the subject-area board
– returns the assessment to the student for revision

Chair of Subject-Area Board
– adds the comment on the assessment and the mark A, B or C and approves the assessment
– returns the assessment to the student for revision