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Center of Scientific Information CU & Medical Library University Hospital Pilsen
Library has extended the type of loans by the fourth option with an orange label. This is a short-term seven-day loan. So you have a choice of study material either with a red label (24 hours), orange one (7 days), green one (30 days) and with no label (150 days).
Searching in a library catalogue
Library opening hours
Mon – Thu: 8:00am – 6:00pm
Fri: 8:00am – 4:00pm
Study rooms S1.59 & S1.60
Mon – Sun: 6:00am – midnight
The library is situated at 1. PP of the faculty campus.
The lending department operates as the open shelves system – you choose the document by yourself and borrow it via selfcheck or in cooperation with us.
Here, you can find the all contacts of the Library
Name | Agenda | Phone (+420) 377593 … |
Ilona Baxová | acquisition, invoicement, subscription of the monographs | 146 |
Barbora Formanová, BBus (Hons) | subscription of the journals, electronic information resources manager | 140 |
Adam Frous | registration of the publications, open access | 149 |
Mgr. et Mgr. Kateřina Kosnarová | registration of the publications | 156 |
Bc. Anna Nguyenová | loan service – open shelves, social network management | 158 |
Mgr. Jan Rendla | interlibrary loans, advices against predatory publishing, citation managers, web pages of CSI, S1.70 admin | 145 |
Daniela Spišiaková | loan service – open shelves | 151 |
Ivana Šafránková | catalogueing | 147 |
Vít Švejda | systems librarian for Alma, data steward, employment licenses for Amboss, user support for Socrative and Zoom | 157 |
Mgr. Michaela Tolarová | user support for Turnitin | – |
Bc. Lenka Urbanová | loan service – open shelves | 144 |
PhDr. Dana Zdeňková | head of the library | 141 |
News and trials
Rector’s Directive: Amendment No. 4/2025 of CU Library and Circulation Rules
We would like to inform you about rector’s amendment of Library and Circulation Rules.
Supporting open access publishing at Charles University – information for 2025
With the new year, open access tokens for all publishers that Charles University has an agreement with are again available! The list of eligible publishers and information on how to obtain the tokens can be found on the Open Science Support Centre’s website. The exact number of tokens for publisher with a limited number of tokens will be published in mid-February 2025.
We would also like to remind you that for publishers Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Springer and Taylor & Francis, which do not have a sufficient number of tokens per year, additional rules for token allocation have been put in place (see the link above).
Monkey pox (Mpox) – information for free
WHO has recently declared the monkeypox (Mpox) epidemic in Africa as a possible global threat, UpToDate has released the relevant topics so that they are now freely available to all, regardless of a subscription to the resources.
Chapman’s Comprehensive Orthopaedic Surgery, 4th ed. – free of charge
This 4 volume e-publication on the Books@Ovid platform provides comprehensive coverage of the diagnosis, surgical and medical treatment and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal disorders. More than 1,500 surgical procedures are described here, which are supplemented with “tips and tricks” for clarity. Plus over 13,000 illustrations, charts, tables and algorithms.
4EU+ courses
Due to Charles University being a part of the Alliance 4EU+ membership, CU students and employees can enrol in two courses (listed below), which will end with a certificate on the Coursera platform free of charge. The courses have to be finished by 31. 3. 2025.
The journals are ordered either as individual titles, which are registered in the library and subsequently distributed to the relevant clinics and departments if they do not remain in our free shelves. On behalf of faculty/hospital, we enter so-called consortia and thanks to this we have access to several hundreds online journal’s titles.
It is necessary to keep in mind certain unavoidable limitations that accompany access to the electronic version:
- in general, users from the faculty and the hostipal may not have equal access to journals
- some journals do not have full-text articles published online at all
- other times, the price of the purchased printed version does not include the online version
- sometimes the access is provided to only one user
The effort was to make titles that we as a faculty/hospital subscribe to available. The list includes some journals that offer free full texts. Because login details are often provided in the list and the faculty/hospital pays for subscriptions (=accesses), the list is ONLY available from the Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital network and Eduroam.
ONLY the Library of the Faculty of Medicine of Charles University and the Faculty of Medicine of Pilsen establishes or changes login details, including entering IP addresses!
Use the list of available subscribed journals for LF/FN.