Laboratory of Translational Cancer Genomics
Responsible supervisor: Andriy Trailin, MD, DSc,
Name: Immune cell landscape in colorectal cancer from normal mucosa to liver metastasis
Most cancer deaths occur when cancer moves from the original tumor to other organs, which is frequently the liver in case of colorectal cancer (CRC). Metastatic traits of the original tumor can occur either from cell-autonomous mutational changes in the genome of cancer cells or through the exposure to signals from the tumor microenvironment. Resident and infiltrating innate and adaptive immune cells play important role in tumor microenvironment, and altogether can contribute to tumor suppression or promotion. Previous studies have focused on immune microenvironment in the primary tumor, but disregarding the liver metastasis may miss important prognostic information. Density of CD3+ and CD8+ T-cells in primary CRC have demonstrated positive correlation with patient survival. The mechanisms of linkage and coordination of immune response between primary and metastatic tumors remains unestablished and is the focus of this project.
In the current project we use a unique collection of tissue samples from the same patients, including their normal colonic mucosa, a primary CRC sample and a sample from the liver metastasis. For some patients the liver metastases were found at diagnosis, and were collected along with the primary tumor; for other patients the metastases appeared later and matched with the primary tumor. Tissues will be subjected to extensive immunohistochemistry study followed by computer-assisted image analysis aimed at establishing location, densities and functional orientation of innate and adaptive immune cells.
By comparing the immune cell landscape between normal mucosa, primary and metastatic CRC and correlating the findings with pathological and clinical variables, the goal is to understand the role of the patient’s own immune defence in the metastatic process. We will also compare these triplet tissue sets from patients with and without distant metastases at diagnosis in order to show the distinction between immune cell landscape when metastatic process has already taken place to cases when it will take place in the future. Students will be primarily engaged into image analysis using QuPath software.
2 students, optimal frequency is 2 times per week, however, remote work is possible. Results will be presented on students’ scientific conference. Considering the extent and quality of scientific contribution students might be acknowledged in the paper or become co-authors
Oncology and Radiotherapy Clinic
Responsible supervisor of the SVOČ project: prof. MUDr. Samuel Vokurka, Ph.D.
SVOČ project titles:
Original and biosimilar pegylated granulopoiesis growth factors in clinical oncology practice since 2005 – real use, benefits, risks.
Ovarian cancer – factors influencing treatment outcomes in elderly patients, use of maintenance therapy with PARP inhibitors in daily practice (tolerance, effect), molecular markers of prognosis and effect.
Prehabilitation, physiotherapy and rehabilitation programmes in cancer patients – factors influencing participation in activities, benefits of active support for participation in the programme, monitoring the development of adequate clinical and laboratory markers.
Cancer and the economic impact on patients – change in income and expenditure, nature of new expenditure, options for addressing in real practice.
Active anti-cancer treatment or other end-of-life care management approach for cancer patients – analysis of the situation in real practice, analysis of factors, limitations and options for change.
Palliative and supportive medicine and care – assessment of quality of life or other specific characteristics in selected patient groups in relation to cancer treatment and/or palliative and supportive treatment and care intervention.
Drug interactions and their risks – status in real practice in cancer patients.
Brief description of the JRC project (common to all themes):
Anticancer treatment itself, but also supportive treatment, play crucial roles in the case of cancer patients with possible positive and negative impact on their health and quality of life. Some changes can be observed relatively soon, while others require long-term follow-up in large cohorts. The heavily represented population of elderly patients certainly deserves separate attention. Not only clinical parameters can be monitored, but also possible laboratory parameters and markers influencing the possible effect of treatment or signalling a better or worse prognosis. Cancer disease and treatment bring many changes to the patient’s life, not only in terms of their own health and fitness, but also in the socio-economic sphere. With the emerging and apparent importance of palliative medicine as an independent field, it is also very important to seek answers to the question of the adequacy of the management of active cancer treatment at the end of life in patients with advanced and virtually uncontrollable malignancies. The topics of the projects are designed in such a way that their solutions will bring practical knowledge that can be used to modify established practice.
The aim of the project: to involve students in active collaboration on individual topics and sub-tasks, the outputs of which can further contribute to the improvement of care, especially for cancer patients.
Requirements for students: interest in the chosen topic, ideally completed 3rd year of study at the Faculty of Arts, compliance with agreed deadlines for cooperation and results, ability to work with MS Excell, Word, PowerPoint, communication and organizational skills.
Project outputs: presentation of results at the SVOČ conference and possibly others, possibility of participation in publications according to the scope of cooperation.