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Take the opportunity to study abroad. Take internships, study in a foreign language, meet new people and have unforgettable experiences.

Study stays

General information

Who can ride:
Any student who is enrolled in an accredited bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral study programme and who will be duly registered for studies at Charles University for the entire period of the study abroad can participate in the Erasmus+ study stay.

Students can study in any country participating in the Erasmus+ programme except the Czech Republic. Students can complete a study stay in any country participating in Erasmus + except the Czech Republic. Students can apply to their home countries but in that case are not eligible for scholarship.

The study stay can be completed by any student from the 1st year of Bachelor’s degree.

For how long:
Study stays can last from 2 to 12 months. The minimum duration of a 2-month stay is considered to be 60 days.

How often:
Under the Erasmus+ programme, students can participate in a study placement abroad repeatedly at each level of their undergraduate studies (BA, MA/NMgr, PhD). The total duration for each level of study is 12 months (or 24 months for 5-year MA programmes), and the 12 (or 24) months may consist of a study placement (Student Mobility for Studies), a practical placement (Student Mobility for Traineeship) and/or a combination of these activities.

What to do before departure

The selection process at the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen starts in mid-February for the following academic year (winter and summer semesters).Each applicant can register (apply) for up to three different destinations. The application is made via an online application. At the same time, it must be delivered to the International Office in paper form:

  • a statement of learning outcomes issued by the study department in English
  • a certificate of foreign language proficiency issued by the Institute of Languages of the Charles University in Pilsen (in case of completion of a foreign language course at the Institute) or an internationally recognized certificate (TOEFL, FCE, Sprachdiplom, etc.)
  • a structured CV in English and/or the language of instruction at the foreign university
  • a motivation letter in English/ or the language of instruction at the foreign university

The current list of partner universities is published together with the call for applications. LF UK in Pilsen has signed agreements with universities in Belgium, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and Turkey.

You do not need to complete a study plan to apply. However, it is highly recommended to start thinking about the study plan during the application process. The study abroad plan must correspond to the study programme the student is studying at LFP UK. Only courses that have a recognizable equivalent within the LFP UK study program can be accepted; the minimum number of credits for LFP UK courses is 15/semester. The approval of the compatibility of individual courses (in the categories of compulsory, elective or optional course) is entrusted to the guarantors of examination courses and the Vice Dean for Student Affairs.

The selection procedure is based on the allocation of points:

  • Advantage (56 – 0 points )
  • Language ( 10 – 30 points )
  • Bonus points ( SVOČ, Buddy, faculty representation at regional/national/international competitions…) (10 points)
  • Motivation letter ( 1 point )
  • Year (3 points for each year of study)

Selection Procedure for A.Y. 2024/2025

How to apply?

1) Each applicant can register (apply) for up to three different destinations. When selecting a destination, the applicant should be guided by the curriculum. 

The application is made via an online application

Application deadline:

2) It must also be delivered to the Department of International Relations in paper form:

– a transcript of academic results in English issued by the study department/downloaded from SIS

 – a certificate of foreign language proficiency or an internationally recognised certificate (TOEFL, FCE, Sprachdiplom, etc.) – minimum required level B2, unless stated otherwise

– structured CV in English and/or the language of instruction at the foreign university

– a cover letter in English/ or the language of instruction at the foreign university – please indicate your priorities if applying to more than one university

Where to study?

Students can apply to their home countries but in that case are not eligible for scholarship.

Erasmus agreements.xlsx

Study plan

You do not need to complete the study plan to apply. However, it is highly recommended to start thinking about the study plan during the application process. The study abroad plan must correspond to the study programme the student is studying at LFP UK. Only courses that have a recognizable equivalent within the study programme at LFP UK can be accepted; the minimum number of credits for courses at LFP UK is 15 per semester. The study plan may consist of compulsory, elective or optional courses and a combination of different years. In the event that a course taken abroad does not have a specific equivalent within an accredited study programme, it may be recognised as an elective course

The student who is selected for the Erasmus+ study placement will then complete the subjects he/she has chosen to study abroad and list them in the study plan in the web application. The printed study plan takes the form of a Study Abroad Plan Protocol. The Vice Dean for Student Affairs is responsible for approving the compatibility of individual courses (in the categories of compulsory, elective or optional course).

Approved courses under the Study Abroad Protocol will be listed in the Learning Agreement, which is part of the Study Abroad Application Form. These courses also represent the minimum requirements necessary to fulfill the chosen program of study (curriculum) at the receiving institution.

The completed study abroad application plan may not be the final version and may be changed after the start of your stay abroad. Only the final version of the Study Plan Record must match the courses that the student will take abroad and that will be confirmed by the partner institution on the Transcript of Learning Outcomes.


UK-12527-version1-stipendia20232024.pdf (

Results of selection procedure for A.Y. 2024/2025

The results of the selection procedure can be found at the link here: Erasmus+ 2024_2025 results

In addition to the overall results, you will also find the results list for each partner university. The students marked in green are nominated to that university.

For first year students for whom it is not yet possible to determine a study average, it has been decided, after consultation with other faculties with comparable selection procedures, to allocate 50% of the possible points for the study average.

In case of multiple students scoring the same points and their preferences being the same, their study average was taken into account for the final decision.

Practical internships

General information

Who can go:
Any student who is enrolled in a Master’s or Doctoral programme and will be duly registered for studies at LFP UK for the entire period of their stay abroad can participate in the Erasmus+ practical placement. LFP UK’s priority is to provide practical placements to students who have an internship as part of their study programme.

Practical placements are open to any student from the first year of study.

For how long:
Work placements can last between 2 – 12 months. A minimum of 2 months is considered to be 60 days. A minimum of 20 hours per week.

How often:
Under the Erasmus+ programme, students can participate in a practical placement abroad repeatedly. The total duration is 24 months, which may consist of a practical placement (Student Mobility for Traineeship), a study placement (Student Mobility for Studies) and/or a combination of these activities.

What to arrange before departure

Tenders in 2023/2024
A student who arranges a practical placement with a foreign coordinator should report this to the International Relations Department. He/she will then be given access to log in via the web application.

The student can access the application by entering his/her personal number (the eight-digit number on the student card – ISIC – under the photo) and the password assigned to him/her when the card is issued.

Unlike study placements, the selection of students is decided by the University abroad and its Erasmus Faculty Coordinator.

If the student receives a confirmed Training Agreement from the foreign university, he/she is eligible for financial support.

Traineeship work plan – Training agreement
The work plan for the placement abroad must correspond to the student’s study programme at the University. Only internships that have an equivalent within the UK study programme can be recognised.

The internship can be compulsory, optional or optional.

The specifics and content of the practical placement should be carefully listed on the web application. This will also complete the training agreement document, which is an integral part of the application form for the practical placement.

The information given here will also appear identically in the practical placement report document. The student prints this form using the online application and has it approved by the study programme guarantor and signed by the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs.

Application form

The Application form is automatically generated in .pdf format and can be printed directly from the web application once completed. As with study placements, it is essential to check the requirements of the partner institution, which may require its own forms, particularly regarding accommodation, orientation or language courses, etc.

ATTENTION Application deadlines at partner schools may differ from those at the University of Applied Sciences in Pilsen (!!!).

The partner institution (University) usually informs the student about the acceptance of the work placement by sending back a confirmed application form.

In addition to the signed Training Agreement, the student must submit a “letter of invitation” directly from the workplace where he/she will be doing the internship. Without these documents he/she cannot be granted financial support.

Dean’s decision on the award of a special purpose scholarship
Upon receipt of the application form confirmed by the partner institution and an acceptance letter from the foreign workplace, the student may be awarded a special purpose scholarship to support the placement abroad. The purpose-built scholarship is awarded to the student on the basis of the “Dean’s Decision”. The Faculty Coordinator will prepare a draft of the Dean’s Decision on the award of the special purpose scholarship.

Scholarship rates

Participation agreement for transferring the special purpose scholarship to the student’s account
The proper use of the scholarship awarded and the conditions for its payment are governed by the Participation Agreement in accordance with the Erasmus+ Qualification Conditions.

The student concludes the Participation Agreement with the UK through the European Office of the Department for International Relations of the RUK in Prague, Ovocný trh 3, 116 36 Prague 1

The contract will be ready for the student’s signature after the Dean’s Decision on the award of the special purpose scholarship is issued – no later than 10 working days before the planned departure for the internship.

In order to print the participation contract, it is necessary to have the EUR account number filled in the online application, where the scholarship will be subsequently transferred and also to have the personal document number indicated.

The student will be informed about the possibility of collecting the Participation Agreement by email to the address indicated in the web application.

As a condition for payment of the scholarship, the following must be submitted:

The decision of the Dean on the award of the special purpose scholarship

Confirmed application form ( Training agreement )

Acceptance letter from the partner institution ( workplace abroad )

Together with one original of the Participation Agreement, the student will also receive

  • Confirmation of nomination to the Erasmus+ programme (Erasmus+ Nomination Letter) in English for the authorities (foreign police) abroad.

According to EU rules, it is the student’s obligation to register with the Foreign Police Department in the place where he/she will be studying within 30 days of his/her arrival.

Health and liability insurance

Czech citizens are entitled to health care in the EU and EEA countries according to the EEC Council Regulations 1408/71 and 574/72. However, in any EU country it is necessary to take into account the so-called patient’s deductible.

For these reasons, it is the student’s responsibility to take out insurance for all medical expenses valid for the destination country. Since 1 June 2004, an amendment to the above mentioned Regulations has been in force, which introduces the European Health Insurance Card as proof of entitlement to medical care in the EU and EEA countries.

In the context of a work placement abroad, the student will also take out liability insurance, which is valid for the foreign workplace.

Extension of a work placement

An Erasmus+ work placement extension can be done without any increase in financial support (zero-grant). A student with Erasmus status can enjoy all the benefits offered by Erasmus during the extended period. Therefore, the total duration of the stay (including the extended period) must not exceed 12 months and the stay must end no later than the end of the academic year. The extended period of stay must be directly related to the original planned stay.

In order for the extension to take place, the student must send the faculty coordinator the consent to extend the placement confirmed by the receiving institution (acceptance letter for the follow-up period), fill in the training plan corresponding to the follow-up period in the web application and send the form Changes to the practical placement protocol to the study programme guarantor for approval. Upon receipt of both documents, the Faculty Coordinator will extend the internship period in the web application. If the student is awarded additional funds for the follow-up period, the Faculty Coordinator will issue an addendum to the Dean’s decision to award the scholarship. The European Office of the Department of International Relations of the RUC will send the student an Addendum to the Financial Agreement for signature, which regulates the duration of the stay abroad and the resulting obligations upon return.

Obligations upon return

In accordance with the obligations arising from the Financial Agreement, the student must complete a final evaluation report after returning from the internship and submit the following documents to the European Office of the Department for International Relations of the RUK and a copy to the International Department of the Faculty of Arts in Pilsen:

  • A copy of the summary of the results achieved and the content of the internship – or in the form of a certificate from the internship – or also an evaluation report from the head of the department.
    Date of delivery: within 10 days from the date of issue by the receiving institution, but no later than 30 September of the relevant academic year.
  • Document confirming the Erasmus practical placement period – The form defining the necessary elements of this document is attached as Annex D to the Financial Agreement.
    Date of delivery: within 10 days from the date of issue by the receiving institution, but no later than 30 September of the relevant academic year.

Final report: by filling in the new pan-European database (Mobility Tool/EU Survey system). The instructions for completing the report will be sent to the student in the form of an automatic email generated by the database at the time of the end of the placement abroad.
Date of completion: within 15 days after the end of the placement abroad.

All documents after the end of the work placement abroad are registered by the European Office of the Department of International Relations of the RUK, the student can check the acceptance in the web application.

Shortening of stay

In the event of a shortened stay abroad resulting from the confirmation of the length of stay, the student is obliged to return the unjustified part of the scholarship.

Erasmus graduate traineeships

Internships are implemented and funded through the Educa consortium. Only students who are yet to graduate can apply – the application must be sent to the Educa consortium before the student graduates. Other documents (LA, Participation Contract, insurance, OLS language tests, etc.) can be processed after the state exams.

The traineeship can be carried out in any institution located in the Erasmus+ programme countries.
If you are interested, please contact the Foreign Relations contact below.

EDUCA application
EDUCA Application For

Some associations organize their own internships

Short-term mobility of PhD students

In order to better meet the diverse training needs of doctoral students and to ensure equal opportunities, doctoral students and recent graduates (“postdocs”) can now also undertake short-term physical mobility to study or intern abroad. The duration of the stay is between 5 and 30 days.

Scholarship information

The scholarship is allocated according to the length of stay:
1 -14 days: 79 EUR/day
15 -30 days: 56 EUR/day

The grant can also be awarded for travel. This means for one day before the mobility starts and one day after the mobility ends. This grant can be increased by a social grant of 100 EUR for stays of 1-14 days or 150 EUR for stays of 15-30 days.

Other offers and programmes

Summer German language courses in 2024

  • Universität Heidelberg – 3 scholarships – (1. 8. – 28. 8. 2024) – (A1 – C1)
  • Universität des Saarbrücken – 3 scholarships – (2. 9. – 27. 9. 2024) – (A2 – B2/C1)
  • Universität Giessen – 1 scholarship – (29. 8. – 27. 9. 2024) – (A1 – B2/C1)
  • TU Dresden – 2 scholarships – (10. 6. – 5. 7. 2024) (A1+ – B2)
  • Students have to upload all documents to the online application for Inter-University
    by 23th April 2024. Students can apply to a maximum of 2 universities.

    Required documents for the language course:
  • Completed language course application form
  • CV in German or in English
  • Cover letter in German or in English

Call for applications for exchange study stays in the Summer semester 2024/2025 within the framework of inter-university agreements.

International Relations Office of the CU Rectorate announces a call for applications for exchange study stays in the Summer semester 2024/2025 within the framework of inter-university agreements.

For Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, the exchange is possible to Hebrew University of Jerusalem and University of Belgrade.

Interested applicants are required to submit the following documents (in English, if not specified otherwise) via the online application:

  • CV (including updated contact details: e-mail, phone number)
  • Letter of purpose
  • Study plan (use the form)
  • Recommendation letter by a CU faculty member
  • Transcript of records of all post-secondary study
  • Certificate/confirmation of English language proficiency
  • Invitation letter by a receiving faculty member (applies to Ph.D. applicants for a research stay only); Please note that in some cases students apply for a research stay on their own, outside of the selection process. Information can be found on the website or by asking the relevant CU Rectorate coordinator.

Students have the possibility to select one university as an alternative to the university of their first choice.

4EU+ Non-project mobility

Non-project mobilities within the 4EU+ Alliance are those mobilities that take place at partner universities of the 4EU+ Alliance without being linked to a specific approved project (EDU projects, SEED4EU+, mini-grants, etc.). This also includes mobilities that do not take place directly at partner institutions, but have an obvious link to the Alliance activities (e.g. presentation of an Alliance project results, expansion of alliance cooperation, etc.).
For such mobilities, it is possible to apply for financial support from the 4EU+ budget. The amount of the contribution is identical to the project rules, which means that employees travel via the faculty system and the costs are to be reimbursed by the rectorate, students receive financial support as a scholarship based on the Scholarship Award Decision and the concluded Mobility Grant Agreement (administered directly at the rectorate, contact person Tereza Vosejpková). The maximum time of mobility for students is two months.

Selections are held 4 times a year, each for the following two quarters.
Rectorate deadlines are:
• 15th March for mobilities from 1st April till 30th September,
• 15th June for mobilities from 1st July till 31st December,
• 15th September for mobilities from 1st October till 31st March,
• 15th December for mobilities from 1st January till 30th June.

During the given period, it is only necessary to start the mobility, not to complete it.

Who can apply
Students and employees of Charles University who are planning mobility to one of the member universities involved in the 4EU+ Alliance or to an Alliance-related activity can apply for financial support. Linking mobility to the Alliance is always necessary to specify in the justification of the request.
The applicant must be a student or an employee of Charles University for the entire duration of the mobility.

How to apply
An applicant for mobility within the 4EU+ Alliance, which does not fall under a pre-approved project, fills out an online application. In addition to the basic information about the planned mobility, it is also necessary to provide an acceptance letter from the hosting institution, the program of the mobility, in the case of employees, the written consent of the direct supervisor, in the case of students, a completed 4EU+ Learning Agreement.
Applications can be submitted from the beginning of the month of the given deadline, i.e. from 1st to 15th March for mobilities starting from April to September, and then from the beginning of June, September and December. For greater flexibility, it is always possible to start the mobility in the next two quarters. Mobilities starting in a different quarter will be automatically excluded from the selection process, as well as applications without mandatory documentation.

Applicants will be informed about the result of the selection procedure to the indicated email within 10 working days from the rectorate’s deadline.
The list of applications and the results of the selection process are going to be shared with the faculty coordinator.
The staff follows the processes of the faculty. After the mobility has been billed, the costs are reimbursed by the rectorate in the form of a refund (similar to projects within the Alliance). The request for a refund must be sent to the rectorate by 30th November, which means the mobility is not possible in December.Students are to be contacted regarding the information needed for the scholarship payment. Subsequently, it is necessary to sign and hand over the documents to the rectorate’s International Relations Office.

Read the experiences of your classmates in the final reports.

Financial support for mobility

CU Mobility Fund – General information

The aim of the Mobility Fund (FM) of Charles University is to provide financial support for:

  • study at a foreign university for one to two semesters
  • stays at the university by foreign academics or researchers
  • study of foreign students at the UK
  • participation in international student or professional events abroad
  • short-term scientific and research stays abroad

He is entitled to support from the FM:

  • full-time student
  • academic staff member with 0.5+ hours
  • faculty for the purpose of reimbursement of costs associated with the stay of a foreign student at Charles University
  • faculty and other UK bodies for the purpose of covering the costs associated with the stay of a foreign academic staff member at the UK

FM priorities are set each year, the current ones here: Rector’s Measure No. 50/2023- Charles University

The UK Mobility Fund has a spring and autumn round, during which applications can be submitted via the online application:

The current dates of the individual rounds are published on the website of the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen.

CU Mobility Fund – Spring 2024


The Programme for Supporting Internationalisation at Charles University (hereinafter referred to as “UK”) is one of the supporting instruments for financing activities aimed at increasing the level of internationalisation of the UK with regard to the objectives set out in the relevant strategic documents of the UK and individual faculties and other units.

The aim of this programme is to support short-term internationalisation activities.

For students, this means the possibility of obtaining financial support for:

  • support for the participation or departure of UK students to summer schools (with the exception of language stays),
  • short-term unpaid professional student internships of up to 3 weeks,
  • international competitions and championships,
  • student conferences with active participation or
  • representation of the UK at an international plenary related to the internationalisation of the University’s activities.

For faculties or other parts of the UK, this brings opportunities to obtain support in terms of short-term events:

  • organisation of international summer schools of a non-economic nature organised by faculties or other parts of the UK (In accordance with the Framework for State Aid for Research, Development and Innovation (2014/C 198/01).

Applications can be submitted twice a year. The current deadlines are always published on the website of the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen. Applications must be submitted electronically via the online application (UK internal competition system) no later than the last day of the application deadline.

Important information
  • Allocated support is provided for a purpose, i.e. it is tied to a specific applicant, activity and implementation dates. A student can be granted financial support for travel, accommodation and meals. The student is not allowed to apply for a contribution to the participation fee.
  • Language courses – financial support does not apply to summer language schools
  • Reverse refund – not possible, can only be requested for activities that have yet to take place
  • Mobility Fund – it is not possible to apply for financial support from Internationalization Support and FM for the same program
  • Active participation/passive participation – active participation – performance with a contribution
  • The maximum amount of support allocated to students is CZK 40,000. The maximum amount of allocated support for faculties and other parts of the Charles University as organizers of summer schools and extracurricular events is CZK 80,000.

Paul Robitschek Scholarship

The annual scholarship is intended for Czech and Slovak university students who, as part of it, complete a two-semester study at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Nebraska, USA). The scholarship will cover tuition and university fees, room and board, textbooks and round-trip airfare. Excellent English skills, willingness to communicate with the program coordinator and work part-time on the university campus are required. Among other things, the candidate must demonstrate sufficient academic ability and interest in political, economic and cultural events in the USA.

The application deadline is always March 1 for the following academic year. More information.  

Information about the University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Website about student travel