Courses in English
Choose the right course for you
6 years of study | MUDr. degree
full-time study
We will prepare you for the real work of a doctor. During your studies, you’ll not only gain strong theoretical knowledge, but you’ll learn a range of practical skills that you can apply in the real world.
Study plan/Curriculum
5 years of study | MDDr. degree
full-time study
The study programme of Dentistry is a five-year course that covers the entire field of dental medicine in the curriculum completely comparable with the current international standards. The graduates are fully qualified to perform all preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in general dentistry and they are prepared to further specialize in orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics, oral and maxillofacial surgery. The degree MDDr. is recognized worldwide including EU, UK and the United States.
Study plan/Curriculum
The doctoral study focuses on scientific research and independent creative activities in the area of research and development. It provides the highest level of formal education that can be achieved in the Czech Republic.
The Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen offers doctoral study programmes in full-time and combined form, in Czech and English languages, to the graduates of Master’s study in medicine as well as related fields, e.g. natural sciences.
The doctoral study is individual and based on intensive cooperation with a supervisor, eventually an advisor. It is completed by a state doctoral examination and a dissertation thesis defense.
The curriculum of English-taught courses is fully comparable with the current international standards and is accredited by the EU.
The academic years for theoretical disciplines and pre-clinical subjects are organized into winter and summer semesters. Each semester consists of a teaching period followed by an examination period. The clinical courses are organized in a block system.

Concept of study
For medical students, the first two years of study are devoted to theoretical disciplines, such as Anatomy, Histology, Embryology, Biophysics, Biochemistry and Physiology. During the third and fourth years, pre-clinical subjects, such as Pathological Anatomy, Pathological Physiology, Microbiology, Immunology and Pharmacology are studied. Bed-side teaching is also introduced in the third year. The last two years of study are fully devoted to clinical subjects. For students of Dentistry the third, fourth and fifth years are devoted to clinical stomatology.

Not only are students educated for medical practice; they are also introduced to the basics of research and are led to their independent research work. In the course of their studies, particularly during the summer holidays, students have a number of opportunities to study and gain experience abroad. Not only for these reasons, but particularly because students are required to study foreign resources, emphasis is placed on language teaching. Thus, besides Latin, each student must pass an examination in English and one more foreign language.