As we are approaching the beginning of the new semester and therefore the autumn exercises, I would like to address you with an offer of physical activities that we have prepared together with the Institute of Hygiene.
Exercise classes will start the week of September 30, 2024.
Each course will only open if there are a minimum of 7 people registered.
Exercise location: LFP U 1, 76 Svobody Avenue, orange 4th floor, room 4.26,
card/chip locker room is ready; for women No. 4.47 and men’s locker room No. 4.40.
Registration will take place during the week of 09.09.2024
Employees will register themselves for the exercise electronically through a link on the Institute of Hygiene website.
Each person who has duly registered will receive a confirmation email that everything has gone well.
The cost for LFP employees for all exercises is 90 CZK per hour of exercise, except for the TRX exercise (120 CZK per hour). Students have the same price as employees.
Foreign exercisers pay 140 CZK per hour.
Payment will be made in advance for the entire exercise period by bank transfer, no later than 03.10.2024.
LFP bank account: 61633311/0100,
v.s. 401301 for employees,
v.s. 401302 for externals,
v.s. 401303 for students,
please indicate the name of the exercise + your full name in the note, e.g.: Yoga + Brad Pitt
If payment is not made by the deadline, the booking is cancelled and the place is offered to the next person in line.
Please refer to the Institute’s website:
Exercise schedule and price | Institute of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine (cuni.cz)
Any questions should be directed to Petra Tišerová, line No. 190.
I believe that you will certainly choose from our varied range of exercises and you will enjoy the exercise and yourself afterwards.
The whole organizing team is looking forward to seeing you.