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Lékařská fakulta Plzeň – studenti

Admission requirements

Application and admission conditions for all candidates applying for admission to the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen are set for all candidates identically, does not matter if applying without or with an agency.

Without any exception, candidates are to fulfill the application and admission criteria set by the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen.

Prospective students must meet these following requirements:

1. send application form electronically before the deadline
2. take an entrance examination
3. prove high school education
4. pay your tuition fees

Courses in English

How to apply

1. Make an application by the deadline 30th April 2025

The application form General Medicine
The application form Dentistry

2. Pay the registration fee in amount of 910 CZK.

Without an agency

Sending the application in the period between 1st November 2024 until 30th April 2025 you are applying to be admitted as a 1st year student of the General Medicine Course / Dentistry Course for the academic year 2025/2026.

You can apply only once per Academic year. Students who fail the entrance examination may not retake the exam during the same Academic year. We do not accept transferring students.

Completed application form together with the registration fee must be sent in the period between 1st November 2024 till 30th April 2025.

Applications submitted after the deadline 30th April 2025 will not be accepted.

Application of students studying at the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen for the same study programme will not be accepted.

Only correctly submitted applications together with the receipt/payment of registration fee will be registered in the system and will be allowed to take the entrance exam.

Candidates registered for the entrance examination will be informed by the Faculty well in advance, at least 15 days before their entrance examination term.

Regular term of the entrance examination will be held in Pilsen on 29.5.2025.

With an agency

You do not necessarily need an agency to study at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, you can apply online by yourself.

But if you are interested to apply for the entrance examination organised by a cooperating agency, please contact the representative of the appropriate agency.

Our cooperating agencies provide a reliable service. Please note that agency services are charged.

List of agencies cooperating with the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen:

CMS AgencyMUDr. Vasileios Tzigkounakis
Medicor Tutor AgencyPiazzale   Biancamano, 8, Milano, Italy    
Gran Via de Les Corts Catalanes, 583, Barcelona,Spain  
Okružná 788/18, Poprad, Slovakia
+39 331 522 97 68 (Italy)
+34 651 041 088 (Spain)
+421 948 972 707  (Head office)    
futureDOCTOR GmbHStubenbastei 12, 1010 Wien, Österreich 
Andrea Holubova / Student Officer 
+49 176 6121 3098
Medizin in EuropaMUDr. Nils Bergner   
+49 371 33 78 98 41
Skandinavien AgencyMUDr. Alireza Rahmany
+44 7512320791
MedStudy IsraelArik Alhalel / CEO & Founder
+972 3  3812220
+972 544971514

Entrance examination terms by cooperating agencies are organised from May to August
in Italy, Germany, Israel, Austria, UAE, Greece, Portugal, Sweden and the Czech Republic.

Registered students are informed by their agency about the exact term and place of the entrance exam well in advance, at least 15 days before their entrance examination term.
Also the format of the examination (present format) can be modified.

Conditions how to apply and sit the entrance examination organised by the cooperating agency are set by each agency and may differ from each other. We fully recommend that all conditions should be governed by a written agreement between an applicant and an agency. An agency has a full right to refuse any applicant – in this case the applicant is usually recommended to apply without an agency for the entrance examination term in Pilsen.

The cooperating agency should offer you an assistance and help you to process following basic steps:
An agency informs an applicant about all details of the entrance examination and admission process properly and on-time and helps an applicant to go through all necessary administrative steps regarding the application, admission and enrolment process.

The fact, that the applicant is applying through an appropriate agency will be identified according to a list of applicants sent by an agency to the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen.

Only correctly submitted applications together with the receipt/payment of registration fee will be registered in the system.

Entrance examination

The entrance examination test consists of a multiple choice written test in Chemistry, Biology and Physics in the present form. Setting the format of the entrance examination remains wholly with the responsibility of the Faculty. In total, there will be 75 questions, with each subject having an allocation of 25 questions. There is always only one correct answer and is assigned with 1 point. There are no penalties in case of mistakes. The condition is passing the entrance exam in Physics, Chemistry and Biology and gaining a particular number of points to be admitted.

The minimum number of points necessary for the successful passing of the entrance examination test will be announced well in advance before you sit the entrance examination.

The tests are administered and marked by a university professor. The admission of students remains however within the responsibility of the Dean of the Faculty. Depending on the outcome of the examination, those who achieve the required results enrol at the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen in late September of the same year.

The applicants will be informed when the results will be provided within few days after the Entrance Examination. The results will be provided via e-mail.

Students who fail the entrance examination may not retake the exam during that same Academic year.

Syllabus of Entrance Exams – Biology


Prominent personalities in biology. William Harvey. Jan Evangelista Purkyně. Charles Darwin. Louis Pasteur. Johann Gregor Mendel. Alexander Fleming. Robert Koch. James Dewey Watson and Francis Harry Compton Crick. Andreas Vesalius. Marcello Malpighi. Antonie Philips van Leeuwenhoek. Robert Hooke. Matthias Jakob Schleiden. Thomas Hunt Morgan.

Classification hierarchy and evolution. Taxonomy. Biological species. Taxonomy of vertebrates. Human taxonomy. – Hierarchical structure of living systems. Acellular organisms. Unicellular organisms. Multicellular organisms: Characteristics, distinct features, classification. – Evolutionary theories, Darwin’s concept of evolution Evolutionary factors: variability, mutation, selection, genetic drift, gene flow. – Origin of life, prebiotic evolution, evolution of cellular organisms. Evolution of Homo sapiens, its ancestors and related species.

The Cell. Cell theory. Size of cells. Structure, organization and functions of cells (prokaryotic, eukaryotic, plant, animal). Chemical composition of cells: organic and inorganic compounds. Proteins: structure and functions. Nucleic acids: DNA and RNA, localization, functions. Saccharides. Lipids. – Cell organelles: structure and function. Nucleus. Mitochondria. Endoplasmic reticulum. Golgi apparatus. Lysosomes. Ribosomes. Centrioles. Cytoskeletal system. Chloroplasts. Biomembranes. Transmembrane transport. Endocytosis, pinocytosis, phagocytosis. Diffusion and osmosis. Energetics of living systems: photosynthesis, cell respiration, glycolysis, oxidative phosphorylation. – Cell cycle: Phases, regulation. Mitosis, phases, regulation and errors. Meiosis. Significance of mitosis and meiosis. Similarities and differences between meiosis and mitosis.


Nucleus and chromatin: Human karyotype, structure and classification of chromosomes, gamete maturation, sex determination. Structure and function of nucleic acids, intra- and extranuclear DNA. RNA and its types, structure and function. DNA replication, transcription, translation and genetic code. Genome, chromosome, and gene structure. Regulation of gene expression. Mutations and their consequences. Genetics of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell. – Genetics: Genotype and phenotype. Gene expression, dominant and recessive alleles, homozygous, heterozygous, complete and incomplete dominance, codominance. Mendel laws and Mendelian and non‐Mendelian modes of inheritance. Gene linkage and gene interactions. Medically important autosomal recessive, dominant, sex‐linked and multifactorial traits. Medically important chromosomal abnormalities.


Tissues of the human body: Epithelial tissues. Connective tissues. Muscular tissue. Nervous tissue. Ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm, differentiation – Body fluids: Total body water. Extracellular and intracellular fluid. Blood plasma. Basic characteristic of volumes and chemical composition. – Blood: Blood constituents, plasma and cells. Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets. Basic characteristic of functions and count. Volume of blood. – Blood groups: AB0 system. Agglutination. Agglutinogens. Agglutinins. Blood transfusion. Universal donor. Universal recipient. Rh system. – Musculoskeletal system: Axial skeleton. Appendicular skeleton. Structure and development of bones. Articulations. Structure of skeletal muscle. Motor units. Mechanism of muscle contraction. – Respiratory system: Functions of respiratory system. Conducting passages. Lungs. Ventilation. Transport of respiratory gases. External and internal respiration, gas exchange. – Heart: Location and general description. Chambers and valves. Circulatory routes. Conduction system of the heart. Heart rate. – Circulatory system: Major components and functions of circulatory system. Blood vessels: arteries, veins, capillaries. Blood pressure. Lymphatic system. Lymph nodes. Spleen. – Gastrointestinal system: Principal function of the digestive system. Organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Glands of digestive system. Liver. Bile. Basic nutrients, vitamins, their sources and importance. Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. – Excretory system: Functions of urinary system. Production and composition of urine. Kidneys – position and structure. Ureters. Urinary bladder. Urethra. – Nervous system: Organization and functions of the nervous system. Neurons and neuroglia. Peripheral nerves: somatic and autonomic. Brainstem: spinal cord, pons, midbrain. Cerebellum. Diencephalon. Cerebral hemispheres. Reflexes. Resting membrane and action potential, electrical and chemical synapses. – Sensory system: The olfaction. The taste. The skin perception. The sight, the eye, its structure and function. The vestibular apparatus. The men’s hearing. – Endocrine system: Classification of glands. Hormones. Pituitary gland. Thyroid and parathyroid glands. Pancreas. Adrenal glands. Gonads.


Scope and definition. Hierarchy: organisms, species, populations, communities, ecosystems, biomes, biosphere. Biodiversity. Habitat, biotope. Biotic and abiotic factors. Niche. Population, community, ecosystem ecology. Food web and food chain. Trophic levels, producers, consumers, decomposers. Atmosphere: terminology, composition.

Syllabus of Entrance Exams – Chemistry


Atoms and molecules. Definition of atom. Atomic number. Mass number. Protons and neutrons. Electrons.  Electron configurations. Isotopes. Isotones. Radioactivity. Radioactive decay. Atomic, molecular and molar mass. Relative atomic or molecular mass. Dalton. – Molar mass and amount of a substance. Avogadro´s constant. Units. – Chemical bonds: Strong bonds – covalent bond, ionic bond, metallic bond. Weak bonds – hydrogen bridges, Van der Waals Forces, hydrophobic interactions. Intermolecular forces in solids, liquids and gases.

The periodic table of elements. Arrangement. Rows. Columns. Electron configuration of elements. Symbols of elements. Periodic properties of elements. Stoichiometry. – Group I.A (1) elements. Hydrogen and alkali metals (lithium (Li), sodium (Na), potassium (K), rubidium (Rb), caesium (Cs, francium (Fr)). Valence electrons. Isotopes of hydrogen. The role of sodium and potassium in the body fluids. – Group II.A (2) elements. The alkaline-earth metals. Beryllium (Be), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr), barium (Ba), radium (Ra). Valence electrons. The role of magnesium and calcium in the human body. – Group III.A (13) elements. Boron (B), aluminium (Al), gallium (Ga), indium (In), thallium (Tl). Valence electrons. Occurrence of Al on earth. – Group IV.A (14) elements. Carbon (C), silicon (Si), germanium (Ge), tin (Sn), lead (Pb). Valence electrons. Importance of C for living organisms. Carbon oxides. – Group V.A (15) elements. Nitrogen family. Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), arsenic (As), antimony (Sb), bismuth (Bi). Valence electrons. Abundance of nitrogen in the atmosphere. Ammonia. Nitrogen oxides.  – Group VI.A (16) elements. Chalcogens. Oxygen (O), sulphur (S), selenium (Se), tellurium (Te), polonium (Po). Valence electrons. Abundance of oxygen in the Earth’s crust, in the atmosphere. Oxidation of nutrients to gain energy. Oxides. Water. Sulphides, sulfuric acid, sulphates. – Group VII.A (17) elements. Halogens. Fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), iodine (I), and astatine (At). Valence electrons. Halide anions. Sodium chloride. Importance of fluoride and iodide intake for health. – Group VIII.A (18) elements. Noble gases. Helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe), and the radioactive radon (Rn). Reactivity. Electron shell. Occurrence in air.

Nomenclature of inorganic compounds. Oxides. Hydroxides. Inorganic acids. Halides. Sulphides. Cyanides. Nitrates. Sulphates. Hydrogen carbonates. Phosphates. Hydrides. Stoichiometric calculations. Oxidation states.

Mixtures. Homogenous mixtures: solutions. Dissolved substance and solvent. Solubility. – Mass fraction, molarity, mass concentration, calculations. – Solutions of nonelectrolytes and electrolytes, dissociation, calculations. – Heterogeneous mixtures: suspensions, emulsions. Sedimentation. Stability. – Density, mass, volume: calculations, units.

Chemical reactions. Synthesis. Decomposition. Single replacement (displacement). Double replacement (partner-exchange). Condensation. Hydrolysis. Impact of temperature, concentration of reactants and presence of catalysts on the rate of chemical reaction. Equilibrium constant. – Oxidation and reduction. Transfer of electrons. Redox pair. Oxidizing and reducing agents. Balancing chemical equations. – Protolytic reactions. Acids, bases, amphoteric compounds. Concentration of hydrogen ions, pH concept. Strong and weak acids, pH calculation. Neutralization (titration), calculations. Dissociation constant.


General structure, nomenclature, molecular, empirical, structure formulas, and reactions of organic compounds. – Important terms in organic chemistry: Valence of C, H, O, N, halogens, saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons, aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, single and multiple bonds, isomers, common halogen derivatives. – Thiols, alcohols, phenols, aldehydes, ketones, and quinones. –Carboxylic acids: mono-, di- and tricarboxylic acids and their derivatives: salts, esters, amides, anhydrides, halides, and nitriles. Fatty acids. – Heterocyclic derivatives: furan, imidazole, indole, purine, pyridine, pyrimidine, pyran, pyrrole. – Amines: nomenclature, structure, classification: primary, secondary, tertiary amines, choline, epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, and histamine. – Amino acids: formulas, classification, properties, reactions. – Saccharides: structure, properties, D- and L- enantiomers, reactivity, the most important mono-, di- and polysaccharides. – Lipids: triacylglycerols, phospholipids, steroids. Cholesterol, lecithin, sphingomyelin. – Proteins: structure, properties and function. Primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structure. – Nucleic acids: structure, components, purine and pyrimidine bases, nucleosides, nucleotides, complementary base pairing, bonds in nucleic acids. DNA and RNA, types of RNA. – Vitamins.

Syllabus of Entrance Exams – Physics


Systems of units: SI, CGS and MKS. Base and derived SI units. – Standard prefixes used to denote multiples of ten. Conversion of metrical units of length, surface and volume, density of water. – Expression of derived SI units in base SI units. Scalar and vector quantities.


Uniform linear motion. Distance, time, velocity. Calculation. – Accelerated linear motion. Free fall. Acceleration. Gravitational acceleration, g. Particle position, velocity and acceleration calculations. – Newton’s laws of motion. Force, momentum, impulse, weight, torque – definitions, equations, calculations. Uniform circular motion: frequency, angular frequency, centripetal acceleration equations and calculation. – Newton’s law of universal gravitation. Gravitational force. Gravitational constant. Distance between the bodies (particles). – Work: definition, SI units, work and energy, calculations. Power: definition, SI units, calculations, mechanical efficiency. – Mechanical energy: definition, SI units, calculations. Kinetic energy. Potential energy. – Ideal liquid. Pressure. Definition, SI units, formula, calculations. Hydrostatic pressure. Pascal principle. Atmospheric pressure. – Archimedes’ principle. Buoyant force. Formula. Calculation. – Volume, mass, density. Common units. Formula. Density of water. Density of air. – Flow. Fluid dynamics. Units. Equation of continuity. Bernoulli’s law. Viscosity. Laminar and turbulent flow. – Surface tension. Formula. Unit. Effects of surface tension.


Thermodynamic systems, states and processes. – Temperature, Celsius and absolute temperature scales. Absolute zero temperature. Normal body temperature. – The 1st and 2nd principles of thermodynamics. – Ideal gas law. Equation. Ideal gas. Universal gas constant. Isobaric, isothermic and isochoric processes. Boyle’s law, Charles’s law, Avogadro’s law, and Gay-Lussac’s law. –Thermal expansion and contraction of solids, heat, heat capacity, specific heat capacity. Calorimetric equation.


Electric charge, SI unit. Electrostatic attraction or repulsion. Electron, proton. – Coulomb’s law, electric field intensity, potential, potential difference. – Capacitance. Parallel plate capacitor. Unit. Capacitors in series and in parallel. – Electric current. Definition. SI unit. Formulas. Ohm’s law. Current. Voltage Resistance. SI units. Calculations. Relation to electric current and voltage. Units. Resistor. Combination of resistors. – Electric power, equations, unit, calculation. – Faraday’s law of electrolysis, Faraday’s constant. – Magnetic force, magnetic permeability, magnetic flux and flux density, definitions, units. Magnetic field, Ampère’s rule. – Electromagnetic induction, Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law, Fleming’s rule. Alternating current, effective values of current and voltage, electric power of alternating current, impedance (capacitance, inductance), AC transformer.


Properties of light, speed, wavelengths, spectrum, frequency, visible light, ultraviolet and infrared light, photon energy. – Light reflection and refraction, refraction index, Snell’s law, critical angle. – Convex and concave mirrors and lenses, refractive power, lens equation and magnification, imaging equation. – Interference of light, polarised light. – Luminous intensity, luminous flux, illumination, definitions, formulas, units. – Properties of human eye. – Acoustics: Production, control, transmission, reception, and effects of sound. – Frequency, wavelength, speed of sound. – Sound pressure, sound pressure level, intensity, intensity level, definitions, units. – Hearing. Noise, pitch, loudness, timbre, sonic texture and spatial location of sound. – Ultrasound. Infrasound.

Recommended books for entrance exam

According to fact that students /applicants come from different countries with different level of high/secondary  school we cannot  insist on strictly recommended literature/books for preparation for the admission exams in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The following selection  of the books  j u s t  represents some  Study guides for A Levels (corresponding with A Levels in U.K.): 

  1. Glenn and Susan Toole : Understanding Biology For Advanced Level. Stanley Thornes Publ. 1991, 1995, 1999
  2. Glenn and Susan Toole : Biology for Advanced Level. Course Study Guide. Stanley Thornes Publ. 2000
  3. Breithaupt Jim: Understanding Physics For Advanced Level. Stanley Thornes Publ. 1990, 1995, 2000
  4. Breithaupt Jim: Physics For Advanced Level, Course Study Guide. Stanley Thornes Ltd. 2000
  5. Ramsden E.N.: A – Level Chemistry.Nelson  Thornes Ltd. 1994, 2000
  6. Ewen D., Schurter N.: Physics for Career Education. Prentice Hall Int. 2002
  7. Hill J.W., Kolb D.K.: Chemistry for Changing Times, Pearson Prentice Hall 2001, 2004.

Successful Applicants

Congratulations on passing the entrance exam at the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen.

We would like to pass on some important information and remind you a few dates that you should not miss.

High School Certificate

In the admissions procedure for the 2025/2026 academic year the faculties will assess compliance with the requirement of obtainment of secondary education with ‘maturita’ school-leaving examination under section 48 (4) of the Higher Education Act in the case of applicants who obtained a foreign secondary education by completing a secondary educational programme at a foreign secondary school, an international secondary school, a European School operating under the Convention defining the Statute of the European Schools, or a school licensed by the Ministry under the Education Act to offer compulsory education.

You should send a hard certified copy of your secondary school diploma or certificate to the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen (Ms. Zuzana Zmrhalová, alej Svobody 1655/76, 301 00 Plzen, The Czech Republic).

Documents which are not originally issued in the Czech, English, or Slovak languages must be officially translated into the Czech or English languages. If the official translation is made by other than a Czech certified translator, the sheets with translations must be attached to the authenticated copies of the documents they relate to in such a way that makes it impossible to subsequently change or replace the sheets containing the translation. Translations attached to unauthenticated copies of documents shall not be accepted.

Keep in mind that if you need legalization (super-legalization or apostille) of your diploma or certificate then this process can be done only in the country which issued the document. The faculty needs to receive a notarized copy of your documents. We do not accept basic copies or PDFs for the process. A fee for the assessment process is established in the amount of 960 CZK, if the payment of assessment fee is requested.

Although the amount of the assessment fee may be similar to the entrance examination fee, the assessment fee is a different from the entrance exam registration fee and must be paid separately.

We accept only hard copy form send by post or bring personally. The deadline for providing necessary documents to the Faculty is 31th August 2025

Documents sent after the deadline as well as documents sent via email will not be accepted.

We fully recommend starting the verification and legalization of your high school documents as soon as possible, so you are able to manage the whole process on time, meeting the deadline for submitting the documents for the purpose of admission to study. 

Officially admitted students will receive their official acceptance letter upon submission of their fully and properly legalized high school documents, i.e. if all admission criteria have been met.

Types of High School Documents and their assessment


As the Czech Republic is a member of the EU, international students coming from EU countries do not need a visa. However, if you come from a country outside the EU and your stay is planned for more than 90 days, you are required to have a student visa. For more information: Entry requirements – visa

If you need a visa, please apply to a Czech Embassy or Consulate well in advance. Your Letter of Admission from the Dean of Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, which you will obtain as a successful applicant, will allow you to get one for the initial period of your study in the Czech Republic.

Your visa application should be submitted to a Czech embassy at least 90 days before the planned date of your departure to the Czech Republic. If there is no Czech embassy or consulate in your country, you can use one in a neighbouring country. Please note that it is not possible to apply for a visa in the Czech Republic, only for a visa extension.

Documents required by the Czech Embassies/Consulates for VISA Application:

  1. Passport (its validity needs to exceed your intended stay in the Czech Republic by at least three months).
  2. Letter of acceptance (from Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Admission Office).
  3. Confirmation of accommodation in the Czech Republic (from your landlord or University dormitory) – look at the website of the Czech Ministry of the Interior.
  4. Confirmation from your bank that you have sufficient financial means on your account to support your stay in Czech Rep. (at least 120 000 CZK) – bring bank statement/credit card.
  5. Document similar to an Extract from the Penal register record – look at the website of the Czech Ministry of the Interior
  6. “Žádost form”, this green form can be obtained at Department for Asylum and Migration Policy or at the websites of the Ministry of the Interior or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  7. One passport photograph.

If your application is approved, prior to affixing the visa, you are obliged to submit a proof of travel medical insurance. As from 1st of August 2021, students are required to have complex health insurance which covers not only emergency hospital visits, but also other outpatient medical expences such as vaccinations, routine hospital visits, blood test etc. The only insurance company which will be accepted is Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna (VZP; General Health Insurance Company). 

For other useful information see the Czech website, where you can also download forms related to immigration.

Tuition Fee

The annual tuition fee for the academic year 2025/2026 is 390.000,- CZK for both courses (General Medicine Course and Dentistry Course). The tuition fee payment is tax-free.

In case if admitted and decided to enrol for study in 2025/26, we fully recommend to pay the tuition fee on-time, so the Faculty receives the full amount in netto at the latest one working day before the enrolment date.

Bank account:
Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Lékařská fakulta v Plzni
Ovocný trh 5, 116 36  Praha

Bank address
Komerční banka a.s.
Goethova 1, 301 00  Plzeň

Account number: 61633311/0100
IBAN: CZ15 0100 0000 0000 6163 3311

The University requires from each student that the tuition fee should be paid by the bank transfer and any charges required by the bank for this transfer should be covered from the student´s side (payers), so that the University will receive the mentioned amount in netto.

Without any exception, all new comming 1st year students are to pay the tuition fee in a full amount. It is not possible to pay it in instalments.

Please check all bank details and the transferred amount carefully before you proceed the bank transfer. Do not forget to identify the tuition fee payment (name of student, year of study, date of birth…). Sending the money to the incorrect bank account or using another currency may cause a tuition fee debit because of a different exchange rate and additional high bank transfer fees.

The tuition fee covers all instruction (lectures, seminars, lab work, clinical training and tutorials); certain necessary texts such as laboratory manuals etc., and entitle students to use all faculty facilities including the library and a modern computer lab.

If the student leaves their studies during the academic year, they have no right to a refund of the fee, not even of a proportional part.

The student suspended from their studies in the course of an Academic year will not receive a refund of the fee from the faculty.

The fee does not cover accommodation and meals and other living and administrative expenses.


Enrolment is the process by which you become a student of the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University.

The Enrolment day for 1st year students will be at the end of September 2025 at Faculty Campus in Pilsen.The exact term and the place will be announced in the invitation letter, which will be sent approximately a month before the enrolment term.

Students who do not appear at the enrolment on the time and date officially set by the Faculty will not be enrolled for the study. Faculty can also reject the enrolment of student who did not fulfil all enrolment conditions.

Applicants from non-Schengen countries can be enrolled only with the valid one-year student visa obtained before the beginning of the Academic year. 


The university provides accommodation in the student’s hostels located near to the Faculty campus. Students are to arrange and book their accommodation personally.

Student dormitory Bolevecká 34, Pilsen – for more information and booking please contact Ms. Lucie Silovská at

It is necessary to confirm your interest to the contact email at the latest by 14th July 2025, otherwise the vacant accommodation place cannot be guaranteed.


The application fee

for the Academic year 2025/26 is 910 CZK for an online application or 960 CZK for an application in a paper format. It is possible to pay in CZK currency only.

This fee should be paid by submitting the application for the Academic year 2025/26. Keep a receipt of payment.

You can pay by bank transfer or online by QR code which will appear in your application form after the registration.

As a note for the payment please write „Entrance exam fee“ and your full name in order to identify your payment. 

If applicants do not appear at the Entrance examination term or  fail the entrance examination  they do not have right to a refund of the registration fee.

The assessment fee

for the Academic year 2025/26 is 960 CZK.

This fee should be paid for the assessment of high school documents in case if you decide to study at our Faculty after the successful passing of the entrance examination test. It is not the same as an application fee!

The annual tuition fee

The annual tuition fee for the academic year 2025/2026 is 390.000,- CZK for both courses (General Medicine Course and Dentistry Course). The tuition fee payment is tax-free.

In case if admitted and decided to enrol for study in 2025/26, we fully recommend to pay the tuition fee on-time, so the Faculty receives the full amount in netto at the latest one working day before the enrolment date.

Faculty bank account

Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Lékařská fakulta v Plzni
Ovocný trh 5, 116 36  Praha

Bank address
Komerční banka a.s.
Goethova 1, 301 00  Plzeň

Account number: 61633311/0100
IBAN: CZ15 0100 0000 0000 6163 3311

Payment portal for tuition fee in CZK

Did you go through the whole process successfully?

Have you successfully completed the admission process? We look forward to seeing you at the faculty! In the Freshmen Guide you will find information to help you get started in academic life.